the said Mr. Vaughan, Mr. Kitchiner, Mr. Roberts, Mr. Ireland, Mr. Sumner,
Mr. Stichall, Mr. Prior, Mr. Weatherstone, Mr. Thomas Price< no role >
, Mr. Rainforth
Mr. Bye, Mr. Dewsbery and Mr. Ponton severally attending it was
Proposed and Agreed that Mr. Kitchiner take the Chair
The Minutes of the last Meeting Read and Confirmed
Proposed and Unanimously Agreed that Matthew
Chessall< no role >
be Clerk
Thomas Banister< no role >
George Nixon< no role >
and John George< no role >
to this Committee
Ordered that this Committee recommend to the Commissioners
of Pavement that so much of Sheffield Street as lies in this
Parish be Paved with Pebbles from Nine to Twelve Inches Deep
and that Holles Street and the returns be Paved with Old
Ordered that the Supervisor give Orders to the Carpenter
to take down the Spouts in Saint Clements Church Yard
and put Frunks to the side of the Houses
Ordered that Mr Meredith be continued Jobbing Pavior
Mr. Buddle for the foot Pavement Mr. Brom by Smith
and Mr. Higley Carpenter to this Committee
A Bill form William Arpin< no role >
for Painting the Names
of the several Streets Courts Lanes Etc in this Parish
and also the Lamp Irons amounting to £16..19s..1d
being laid before and Examined by this Committee It is
Ordered that the said Bill be transmitted to the Commissioners
for Payment out of moneys for Repairing Lighting and
and for that purpose this Committee signed the same
Adjourned to Thursday 5th March
1772 of five o'Clock
Wm Kitchiner< no role >