Lincolns Inn
At a Council there held the 23rd. day of
in the 12th Year of the Reigns
of our Sovereign Lord King George the
Third and in the Year of our Lord 1772
Ordered that Mr. Grint the Steward of this Society wait
on the Commissioners for the Pavements at Saint Clements
and lot them know that this Society will not interfere with the
Charges made on the Chambers in Serles Court on Account of
the Pavement in Serle Street and Cary Street and that the [..]
Chambers being Freehold are on the sides of the said Court next
those Streets liable to such Charges exclusive of this Society
P. Holford
C. L.N.
Parish of Saint
Clement Danes
At a Meeting of the Committee of Pavements
and appointed pursuant to an Act of Parliamt.
intitled "An Act to amend and render more
effectual several Acts relating to Paving Cl [..]
and Lighting the Squares Streets Lanes and [..]
places within the City and Liberty of Westminster
and parts adjacent" in the Vestry Room of [..]
Clement Danes the 21st. day of February 1772.
The Churchwardens having informed this Committee
that at a Vestry held in this Parish on Thursday the 13th [..]
the following Persons were chosen Committee men for this Parish
for the Year ensuing for the purpose of carrying the Act into
Execution made for Paving Cleansing and Lighting the Streets
Lanes and places in this Parish Vizt. Robert Butter< no role >
George Vaughan< no role >
. William Kitchiner< no role >
. Mr. Richards
Mr. Benjamin Kennett< no role >
Mr. Joseph Sumner< no role >
Mr. Samuel [..]
Mr. Alexander Weatherstone< no role > This name instance is in set 2814. This set is in the group(s): .
Mr. Sampson Rainforth< no role > This name instance is in set 2588.
Henry Wallis< no role >
Mr. David Dewsbery< no role >
Mr. William Seagar< no role >
Mr. Benjamin Ireland< no role >
Mr. Samuel Roberts< no role >
Mr. Benjamin
Stichall< no role >
Mr. Thomas Plummer< no role >
Mr. George Bye< no role >
Mr. Thomas [..]
Mr. Thomas Figge< no role >
Mr. John Ponten< no role >
and Mr. John Perry< no role >