Parish of Saint
Clement Danes
At a Meeting of the Committee of Pavement Elected and
Appointed pursuant to an Act of Parliament in the Vestry
Room of Saint Clement Danes
the 7th day of Febry. 1772
PresentMr. Kitchinerin the Chair
Mr. PriorMr.Dewsberry
Mr. KennettMr. Sumner
Mr. WeatherstoneMr. Roberts
Mr. IrelandMr. Rainforth
Mr. WarcupMr. Jones
Proposed and agreed that Mr. Kitchiner take the Chair
The Minutes of the last Meeting Read and Confirmed.
Ordered that the Churchwardens of this Parish be requested
to hold a Vestry on Thursday next (being the Second Thursday in the Month of
February) between the hours of Ten in the Morning and Two in the after
for the Electing and appointing a proper Number of Householders Res [..]
in this Parish to be a Committee of Pavement for one year from thence
ensuing pursuant to the Act of Parliament in that Case made.
The Committee having in Pursuance of the Commissioners Order
of the 7th. January last Advertised for Contracts for Paving the several [..]
and Places in the said order mentioned and Richard Buddle< no role >
having proper
to do the Moore Stone Kirb at 1s:9d. per foot Run New Purbeck Paving
five Shillings per yard and for Squaring and relaying the Old Paving to
Pence per yard - and Messrs: Willm. Adam< no role >
Robert Campbell< no role >
and Henry Robt< no role >
having Proposed to do the Kirb at 2s. per foot run the Purbeck Paving at [..]
per yard and relaying the old Paving at 10d. per yard and John Wynn< no role >
proposed to do the Kirb at 2s per foot Run - the Purbeck Paving at 5s
per yard and the Squaring and relaying at 1s. per yard - and William Pinder< no role >
Proposed to do the Kirb at 2s. per foot Run the Purbeck Paving at 5s:8d
the Squaring and relaying at 1s. per yard - And Willm. Staines< no role >
having proper
the Moore Stone kirb at 2s:0d per foot run the Purbeck Paving at [..]