Parish of Saint
Clement Danes
At a Meeting of the Committee of Pavment Elected and Appointed pursuant
to an Act of Parliament in the Vestry Room of Saint Clement Danes
the 17th. July
PresentMr. Kitchinerin the Chair
Mr. VaughanMr. Dewsbery.
Mr. StichallMr. Bye
Mr. PontenMr. Kennett
Mr. IrelandMr. Seager
Mr. RobertsMr. Sumner
Mr. Rainforth
Proposed and Agreed that Mr. Kitchiner take the Chair.
The Minutes of the last Meeting read and Confirmed.
The Clerk having laid before this Committee a Bill of Alexander Anderson< no role >
to £40. for Cleansing this Parish (except the Streets Etc Paved under the Optional Clause)
from Lady Day to Midsummer last It is Ordered that the same be transmitted to the
Commrs. for Payment and for that purpose this Committee signed the same.
This Committee having met pursuant to their resolution of the 3d. Instant
for the purpose of taking into Consideration the borrowing of £800 in Addition to the £900
already borrowed upon the Additional Rate And Mr. John Bark< no role >
proposing to lend £400
upon having two Securities of £200 each and Mr. George Harris< no role >
proposing to lend £200
and John Ward< no role >
proposing to lend £200 this Committee Executed Assignments to the said John Bark< no role >
and George Harris< no role >
Several of the Committee having taken Notice that of a Nusance by several
Sheds standing in Clements Inn
Passage It is ordered that the same be reported to the
Commrs: for Paving Westminster
A Bill from Messrs. Meredith & Lovett Paviours amounting to £374.0s:6d
for New Paving the Carriage way of Great Essex Street
Pursuant to Contract Entred into
which being read and the Supervisor to this Committee Attending and Certifying that he
had Measured the same work and that the Charges in the said Bill are true It is Ordered
that the said Bill be transmitted to the Commrs. for Payment out of the Moneys received for New
Paving and for that purpose this Committee signed the same
Adjourned to the 7th: Augst: next at Six o' Clock
Wm. Kitchiner< no role >