St Clement Danes Parish:
Minute Books of Parish Vestry Sub-Committees

17th April 1771 - 15th December 1775

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Currently Held: Westminster Archives Centre

LL ref: WCCDMO361000053

Image 53 of 27917th December 1771

The Clerk having prepared a Draught of a Conveyance
from this Committee to Mr. Edward Gillyatt< no role > and Mr. Peter Glossop< no role >
for borrowing the Sum of £900 of them which being read was
approved of and Mr. Gillyatt desiring the £600 agreed to be lent by
him to be divided into three different Securitys of £200 each
it is so ordered by this Committee.

Adjourned to the 13th Instant at half past

Wm Kitchiner< no role >

At a Board of Commissioners for Paving Etc the City
and Liberty of Westminster Etc

Westminster Bridge Office 7th. January 1772

Ordered That the Carriage way of Beaufort Buildings New
Boswell Court and the lower part of Essex Street be Paved with
Squared Guernsey or Granite Stone Six Inches Deep, and the Bed
or bottom of each Stone to be 4/5ths. of the Superfices of the Top

That the Carriqge way of Clements Lane & Old Boswelll Court
be Paved with Sized Pebbles Seven Inches Deep

That the Carriage way of the upper part of Essex Street be
Paved with Sized Pebbles from 9 to 12 Inches Deep

That the Carriage way of Craven Buildings be Paved with
Purbeck Squares

That the footways of the several abovementioned Streets and
Places and White Horse Yard and Gilberts Passage be Paved
with Purbeck or Yorkshire Hilland Hedge Paving 2 Inches
thick and a Moore Stone Kirb 12 Inches by 8.

That the Paving the said Streets and Places be done
under the direction of the Surveyor to the Commissioners

That the Committee for the Parish of Saint Clements to
Advertise and Contract for Paving the Carriagewayand
Footways of the said several Streets and of Places and for
Keeping the Carriage way in Repair

By Order of the Commissioners
Sam Wright< no role > Accomptant
In the absence of Geo: Box< no role > Clerk

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