From the Commissioners for Paving Westminster
Westminster Bridge
Febry. 28th 1772
The Inspectors having Reported that several Spouts & Sign
still remain in the Streets & other Places improperly fixed and
hung to the great Annoyance of Foot Passengers
Ordered that it be recommended to the several Committee
to cause the same to be forthwith removed
Mr. Barnfather one of the Commissioners having
delivered in the following Paper, Copies thereof were ordered
to be sent to the several Committees for their Consideration
Particular of Materials for Paving
9 In Scotch Stone is 13s pd In delivered
in the River Lighter age & Cartage
3s/6d P Ton - Total per Ton 16s..6d
Labor & Grave From 5d to 7d P Yard
& one Ton of Stone does 3 Yds.
of Paving
Purbeck Stone for Foot way is
£1..4d Hundd. Feet Freight 10s
Lighterage & Cartage 5s Total
per Hundred feet delivd.1..19..0
Squaring & Laying the sd. Stone for
Footway is 13s P hundred feet drd 1d
per Yard
Kirb Stone is 1s..6d po foot Running
Particular of Work Etc
For taking up & Relg. foot P [..]
at 1s per Yard
New Yorkshire foot Paving
finding every thing at 4s..4d P
New Purbeck Do. at 5s P Yard
Pebbles taken up & Relaid P
at 8d p Yard
Ditto if Squared 1s.. 9d pr}
New Guernsey Pebbles Pave
finding every thing at 3s.. [..]
Aberdeen Granite Paving 9
Deep at [..]
Ditto at 7 Inches deep [..]
Purbeck Squares Reld. on Edge [..]
A Copy Geo: Box Clerk to the Commrs.
From the Commissioners for Paving Westminster
Westminster Bridge
Office March 3d. 1772
Ordered that it be Recommended to the several Committees
Consider what Materials will be most proper to be used in the
& Place they are desirous to Pave the Ensuring Season
A Copy Geo. Box< no role >
Clerk to the Commrs.