Parish of Saint Clement
At a meeting of the Committee Elected and Appointed
Pursuant to an Act of Parliament intitled An "Act &
in the Vestry Room of Saint Clement Danes
the 13 th. day
of January 1772
PresentMr. KitchinerIn the Chair.
Mr. IrelandMr. Roberts.
Mr. WarcupMr. Sumner.
Mr. Dewsbery.Mr. Seager.
Mr. JonesMr. Rainforth.
Proposed and agreed that Mr. Kitchiner take the Chair.
The Minutes of the last Meeting read and confirmed.
It is Ordered that Mr. George the Collector do pay in to the Bank to
Account of the Commissioners for Paveing the Sum of One Hundred and fifty
Pounds to be by them applyed in Payment of such Bills as have been or
hereafter shall be certified by this Committee and for that Purpose It is
Ordered that Mr. Kennett Mr. Jones and Mr. Ireland do draw on Messrs.
Denn & Co to that amount.
Ordered that the said Mr. George do pay into the hands of Mr. Fowler
Treasurer to the Commrs. for Paving Westminster Etc. the Sum of One hundred
and nine Pounds 13s..9d. being the amount of the Lam plighters Bill on the
Subsisting Contract of this Parish for three Quarters ending at Christmas
Also that he pay to the said Mr. Fowler 8s.4d. a Bill of Martin Lawler< no role >
repairing Little Stanhope Street and for that Purpose It is Ordered that
Kennett Mr. Jones and Mr. Ireland do draw on Messrs. Snow Denn & Co. to
amount of £110:2s:1d.
The Clerk having laid before this Committee a Bill of Jeremy [..]
Amounting to £159-18s-10d. for making and fixing up Lamp Irons in this
Parish It is Ordered that the same be transmitted to the Commrs. for Payment
and for that purpose three of this Committee signed the same.
In Pursuance of the Statute abovementioned this Committee made
Signed a further Rate or Assessment of Six pence in the Pound upon all [..]
Person and Persons who Inhabit hold use occupy Possess or enjoy any [..]
Ground House Shop Wharf Warehouse Coach house Stable Cellar Vault Base
Tenement or Hereditament whatsoever within Milford Lane little Essex
and Clare Court
or either of them in this Parish which rate is to Commence [..]
Michas last for half a year then next.