per yard Square and the relaying at 11d. And this Committee being attended by
the said several proposers and having taken into Consideration what was alledged
by them and their said Proposals It is Ordered that this Committee Enter into
Contract with the said Richard Buddle< no role >
for doing the footways of the several Streets
and Places so Advertized at the Prices setforth in his said Proposal
William Meredith< no role >
and Thomas Lovett< no role >
having in Pursuance of the said Order
and Advertizement proposed to take up the Pavement of the Carriage ways of Beaufort
Buildings New Boswell Court and the lower part of Essex Street
and to New Pave
the same with Aberdeen Granate Six Inches Deep at 7s..6d per yard And the said
William Adam< no role >
Robert Campbell< no role >
and Henry Robertson< no role >
having proposed to do the
like at 7s:8d per yard and the said William Stains< no role >
having proposed to do the like
at 7s:9d and the said Meredith and Lovett having also proposed to take up the
Pavement in the Carriage way of the upper part of Essex Street
Clements Lane Old
Boswell Court and to New Pave that part of Essex Street
with Pebbles of Nine to Twelve Inches
Deep at 5s:6d per yard and Clements Lane and Old Boswell< no role >
Court with Pebbles of
Seven Inches Deep at 5s per yard and to relay old Pebbles at 1s. per yard - and the
said Adam Campbell< no role >
and Robertson having proposed to do the Pebble Pavement
from 9 to 12 Inches at 6s:4d and that of Seven Inches at 5s:3d and to Relay at
1s:2d. And the said William Stains< no role >
having proposed to do the Pebble Pavement from
9 to 12 Inches at 6s:4d. and that of Seven Inches at 5s:2d and to relay at 1s:1d and
the said Meredith and Lovett having also proposed to relay Purbeck Squares in
Craven Buildings at 1s. per yard and the said Adam Campbell< no role >
and Robertson
having proposed to do the same at 1s:2d and the said Stains at 1s:2d - and
this Committee being attended by the said several Proposers having taken into
Consideration what was Alledged by them and their said Proposals It is
Ordered that this Committee Enter into Contract with the said Meredith and
Lovett for doing the works in the said several Streets and Places at the Prices
setforth in their said Proposals.
Ordered that this Committee recommend to the Commissioners of
Pavement that Little Shire Lane
be forthwith Paved with Pebbles or Rags the
upper part of Ship yard from the Top to the Gully hole with Six Inch Granate and
the remaining part of Houghton Street with Pebbles of Seven Inches
Resolved that this Committee will Meet on Wednesday next at Seven
o Clock for the Purpose of appointing Salarys to the several Officers.
Adjourned to Wednesday next at Seven.
Wm Kitchiner< no role >