Also at the same time made a like further Rate or Assessment of Six pence
in the Pound upon all and every Person and Persons who Inhabit hold use occupy
Possess or enjoy and Land Ground House Shop Wharf Warehouse Coach house Stable
Cellar Vault Building Tenement or Hereditament whatsoever within Serle Street
Portugal Street and Carey Street or so much of either of them as are situate in this
Parish which last mentioned rate is to Commence from Christmas last for one
Quarter then next.
Seven of this Committee in pursuance of their Resolution of the 30th December
last made and Executed to Mr. Edward Gillyatt< no role >
three several Assignments of the
Additional Rate or Assessment of Carey Steel Serle Street and Portugal Street or so
Much of such Streets as are situate in this Parish as also as far as they can any
further Additional Rate for New Paving for securing to him x £200. by each of
such Assignments and Interest at four and half per Cent.
And the same Seven Persons in pursuance of the said Resolution also made
and Executed 10 Mr. Peter Glossop< no role >
another Assignment of the said Additional Rate
on the same Streets And also of any future Additional Rate for New Paveing for
securing to him the Sum of £300 and Interest at four and a half P Cent.
The Clerk having laid before this Committee the Commrs. Order of the
7th. Instant relative to the Contracting for Paveing Beaufort Buildings
Boswell Court Essex Street
Clement Lane Old Boswell Court Craven Buildings
White Horse Yard
and Gilberts Passage which being read It is Ordered that the
Clerk do Advertize for Contractors to do the said several Works and that this
Committee will sit for that purpose on Friday the 7th. day of February next at
five o Clock.
Adjourned to Friday the 24th. Instant
at Six o Clock.
Wm. Kitchiner< no role >
From the Commissioners for Paving Westminster
Westminster Bridge
Janry 14th. 1772
It being found in convenient not to Pay money on Account in
some Cases, the Commissioners are of Opinions that the Order of the
24th of December last for not paying money on Account should be
and the same is hereby Repealed; but the Commissioners recommend
to the several Committees not to require Payment of money on
Account Oftner than is absolutely necessary
A Copy
Geo: Box< no role >
, Clerk to the Commrs.