From the Commissioners for Paving Westminster
Westminster Bridge
April 21st. 1772
Mr. Nixon, Inspector, reported That the following Courts in the
Parish of St. Clement Danes
want repairing Vizt. Devereux Court - Horseshoe
Court and New Court.
That three Lengths of Trunk are wanted to be put up in Milford [..]
in the said Parish.
Ordered, That the above Articles be referred to the Consideration of
Committee for the said Parish of St. Clement Danes
Geo: Box< no role >
, Clerk
to the Commissioner
Parish of Saint
Clement Danes
At a Meeting of the Committee of Pavement Elected on
appointed pursuant to an Act of Parliament in the Vestry
Room of Saint Clement Danes
the 1st. day of May 1772
PresentMr. VaughanIn the Chair.
Mr. RobertsMr. Ireland.
Mr.T. PriceMr. Stichall.
Mr. PriorMr. Sumner.
Proposed and agreed that Mr. Vaughan do take the Chair.
The Minutes to the last Meeting read and Confirmed.
The Clerk having laid before this Committee a Bill from Peter
Balchen & Co. for Lighting Lamps on the subsisting Contract in the strand
Etc. from December 25th. to March 25th. last amounting to £36.11s. 3d. It is
Ordered that Mr. George do pay into the hands of the Commissioners Treasurer
the said Sum of £36.11s. 3d in order to discharge such Bill and Mr. Banister
Supervisor to this Committee having in Pursuance of the order of this Comm [..]
bearing date the 17th. April last Measured the Footways of so much of the Strand
Duke Street and Houghton Street as is Paved and lies in this Parish which
Messrs. Raine and Horobin by Bill Claim the Sum of £11.7s: 6d for