the expence of taking down reducing & putting them up again provided
the same shall be done to the satisfaction of this Committee And
it is further Ordered that when such Irons shall be altered the
Contractors for Lighting do fit the Lamps to such Irons
Several of the Committee having observed that the Carriage
way in Essex Street
is greatly out of Repair It is Ordered
that Mr. William Meredith< no role >
do forthwith Repair the same and that
a copy of this Order be sent to the Commrs- for Paveing Etc
Adjourned to the 13th- of November
at five o Clock
Wm Kitchiner< no role >
From the Commrs- for Paving the Streets of Westminster
Westminster Bridge
Office Old Palace Yard
Novr. 5th 1771
Ordered that it be Recommended to the several Committees to
give particular directions for keeping the Crossings in the several
and places in their Respective Parishes in good Repair
Ordered that the several Committees be desired to transmit
to the Commissioners Abstracts or Extracts containing the true Amount
of all Monies Rated and Assessed and at how much in the Pound
and of so much of all and every such Rates as shall appear
to be Collected and Received and in Arrear and Unreceived and of
all Monies borrowed on the Securities of the Additional Rates
Ordered that the several Committees be desired to return an
Account of the Names and Salaries of their respective Officers
Ordered that the several Committees be desired to compleat
the writing up the Names of the several Streets and Places at
the Corners thereof and return to the Commissioners the Names of
those already done and also what remains undone
A Copy
Geo: Box< no role >
to the Commrs