purpose the Clerk is hereby Ordered to prepare a proper Conveyance
from this Committee to the said Mr. Gillyatt.
Mr. Peter Glossop< no role >
attending this Committee in Pursuance of
their Resolution of the 18th. Instant relative to the borrowing money
upon the Credit of the additional Rate of Carey Street Serle
Portugal Street and Milford Lane and having proposed to
Lend to this Committee the Sum of Three hundred Pounds at four
and a half Percent the Credit of the said Rate on Serle Street
and Portugal Street to commence from the 13th of January next
It is Ordered that this Committee do accordingly borrow the
said Three hundred Pounds at the time abovementioned and for
that purpose the Clerk is hereby Ordered to prepare a proper
Conveyance to the said Mr Glossop
Ordered that the several Tradesmen be desired to deliver
in their Bills in order to Payment thereof and for that
purpose that the several Tradesmen do attend this Committee
at their next meeting
Adjourned to the 6th January next at three o' Clock
Wm Kitchiner< no role >
From the Commissioners for Paving Westminster
Westminster Bridge
Office Dev. 31st: 1771
Ordered that the several Committees be acquainted That in future
the Corner Houses are to be assessed according to the directions of the
Clause in the Act of the 3d. of his present Majesty (Chap: 23 Page 462
That the several Contractors Bills be made out a greatly thereto, and
that the Suveyor to the Commrs and the Supervisor to the Respective
Committees do measure the Pavements belonging to the Comer House
in each respective Parish
The Clause above referred to
And be it further Errected by the authority aforesaid That in making
the Rates authorized by the said former Act to be made the said
Commissioners shall have regard, to Lands Houses or other Buildings.