Parish of Saint
Clement Danes}
At a Meeting of the Committee Elected and
appointed pursuant to an Act of Parliament
intitled "An Act to amend and render more
"effectual several Acts made relating to Paving
"Cleansing and Lighting the Squares Streets
"Lanes and other places within the City and
"Liberty of Westminster
and parts adjacent"
in the Vestry Room of Saint Clement Danes
the 27th- September 1771
PresentMr. KitchinerIn the Chair
Mr. RainforthMr. Pryor
Mr. KennettMr. Warcup
Mr WeatherstoneMr. Sumner
Mr. RobertsMr. Ireland
Proposed and unanimously agreed that Mr. Kitchiner
take the Chair
The Minutes of the last Meeting Read and
A Motion was made seconded and agreed to that the
Clerk wait on so many of the Gentlemen of Lincolns Inn
as are in this Parish to request they will please to
Conferr with this Committee relative to Paving Cleansing
and Lighting Portugal Street
Adjourned to a New Summons
Wm Kitchiner< no role >