St Clement Danes Parish:
Minute Books of Parish Vestry Sub-Committees

17th April 1771 - 15th December 1775

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Currently Held: Westminster Archives Centre

LL ref: WCCDMO361000040

Image 40 of 27931st October 1771

Parish of Saint
Clement Danes}

At a Meeting of the Committee Elected and appointed
pursuant to an Act of Parliament intitled An Act
"amend and Render more effectual several Acts made
"relating to Paving Cleansing and Lighting the Squares
"Streets Lanes and other places within the City and Liberty
"of Westminster and parts adjacent" in the Vestry Room
of Saint Clement Danes the 31st: day of October 1771

PresentMr. KitchinerIn the Chair

Mr. PriorMr. Warcup
Mr. SumnerMr. Kennett
Mr. RobertsMr. Jones
Mr. IrelandMr. Dewsbery
Mr. SeagerMr. Rainforth

Proposed and Agreed that Mr. Kitchiner take the Chair

The Minutes of the last Meeting read and Confirm

It being moved seconded and the Question put it was unanimously
Agreed that two more Lamp Irons be put up in Ship Yard
Two more in Devereux Court Two more in Clements Lane [..]
more in Clare Market Two more in Bear Yard One more
Craven Read Yard Two more in Fountain Court and One more
in Newcastle Court

It was also moved seconded and the Question being put
it was Unanimously Agreed that one Lamp Iron be taken
out of Shire Lane and that it be placed in White Horse Yard

Complaint having been made to this Committee that many
of the Lamp Irons in the Rim exceed the usual Size of which
this Committee are satisfied and the same not being to the
Satisfaction of this Committee It is Ordered that all the Lamp
Irons exceeding Ten Inches and a half in the clear of the
Rim be taken down by the Contractor and reduced to Ten
Inches or not to exceed ten Inches and a half in the clear
and that the same be put up again by the Contract
And it was Resolved that this Committee will Recommend
it to the Commissioners for Paving to allow some part

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