Commence and are to be accounted from Lady day last
This Committee having in Pursuance of the Commissioners Order
of the 17th May last Advertised for a Contract or Contracts for Lamp Irons
and Lighting the Lamps to be fixed therein and also for Cleansing the
several Streets Etc in this Parish and Jeremy Pratt< no role >
Thomas Bird< no role >
Edward Rogers< no role >
John Alderson< no role >
and James Bramble< no role >
having severally
proposed to this Committee to Contract for making and fixing up Lamp
Irons pursuant to the Advertisement from this Committee And this
Committee having taken the said several Proposals into Consideration
It is Ordered that this Committee do Enter into Contract with the said
Jeremy Pratt< no role >
for making and fixing up such Lamp Irons not exceeding
three hundred and twelve at the Price of One Pound four shillings and
six pence for every hundred Weight of Iron and accordingly a
Contract was executed by Seven of this Committee and the said
Jeremy Pratt< no role >
P. Balchin and Co. Robert Cubit< no role >
, Jonathan Raine< no role >
& John Horobin< no role >
Thomas Blainey< no role >
and Joshua Owens< no role >
having severally proposed
to this Committee to Contract with them for finding Lamps and
Lighting the same pursuant to the Advertisement from this Committee
And this Committee having taken the said several Proposals into
Consideration It is Ordered that this Committee do Enter into Contract
with the said Jonathan Raine< no role >
and John Horobin< no role >
pursuant to
their Proposal at One Pound two shillings Per Year for Lighting
each Lamp and accordingly a Contract was Executed by Seven
of this Committee and the said Jonathan Raine< no role >
and John
John Preston< no role >
, J Walldron, William Barrow< no role >
Alexander Anderson< no role >
William Hutchins< no role >
and William Currant< no role >
having severally proposed to
Contract with this Committee for doing the Scavengars Work in this
Parish pursuant to the Advertizement from this Committee and
this Committee having taken the said several Proposals into
Consideration It is Ordered that this Committee do Enter into
Contract with the said Alexander Anderson< no role >
to clean this Parish
with Covered Carts for three Years at One hundred and sixty
Pounds per Annum and accordingly a Contract was Executed