Thursday 13 th Novr.1735
TantumJoseph< no role >
Pet for an add Term in 6
Houses at Wapping
Upon reading the humble Petition of Joseph Tantum< no role >
SettingforthThat the Governor
of this Hospital by Indre of Lease bearing late on or about the 9th. June 1676 granted to John
Wilson< no role >
(in consideration of the Costs and Charges he had been in Rebuilding) 4 Messuages in
Wapping Street
and 2 Messuages in Wapping Dock
street (No 24) for an additional Term of 30
years to Comence from Lateay 1715 being the expiration of his formes Lease at £8.6P Ann
remainder of the said Term which expires at Lady day 1745That the two Houses in
Wapping Dock street
here been utterly consumed by the late dread free fire there, and two of the
houses in Wapping buildings
for the most pact TimberThat the Pet hath sustained
great Loss by the said Fire and proposes to lay out £200 and upwards in rebuilding the said
6 Messuagesand praying that the Governors would take his case into consideration
grant him an Additional Term of 40 years in the said premisses to comence from the Expiration
of his present TermIt is Ordered that it be referred to the Comittee of this House
to consider of the said Petition and to Report their Opinion therein to the Court.
ArbuthnottAnne< no role >
for an addx Term in ye Houses
do 22.23 in Wapping
Upon reading the humble the Petition of Anne Arbuthnott< no role >
Execution of Anne
Arbuthnott Assignee
of John Merryhurst< no role >
settingforthThat she is possessed of a Lease made
from the Governors of this Hospital to the said John Merryhurst< no role >
of certain ground near
Wapping Dock street
with 8 Houses created therein for 40 years from Laday 1715 at the yearly
Rent of £8 which Lease expires at Ladyday 1755That 5 of the said Houses being on
tha East side of Wapping Dock street
aforesaid have been utterly destroyed by the dreadfull fire
there and other the premisses have been damaged thereby and the Pet is otherwise lyatle to
become agreat Sufferer by the Arrears of Rent due from the late Tenants of the said houses to
destroyedThat the Petr is advised the Rebuilding of the said 5 Houses will cost almost
double the Sum they were insured at and the Petr being in no Condition to execute the same
unless the Governors will be pleased to enable her thereto by granting an Inlargmt of her
Term that she may be able to borrow money therein to compleat the said RebuildingThat the
Petr is advised the said other three Houses yet standing are in so bad a Condition that they
will need rebuilding before the expiration of the present Leaseand praying that in
consideration of the premisses the Governors would be pleased to enlarge her Term in the
said Lease to the Term of 61 years And that she may on the Ground of the Houses so destroy
be at Liberty to rebuild 5.4 or 3 houses as she shall think fill And that she may be at
liberty to rebuild when necessary any of the other 3 houses now standing or may be otherwise
releived as the Governors shall sum meetIt is Ordered that if be referred to the Comittee
of this Houses to consider of the said Petition & to Report their Opinion therein to the Court
[..] JamesPetn
to be allowed for repairs
Upon reading the humble Petition of James Lipscomb< no role >
late one of Artmasters
of this
Hospital SettingforthThat finding it very necessary for him to quit his Appartment in
this Hospital gave notice of such his Intentions and hath since quitted the sameThat
during the time he resided in the said Hospital which was 9 years and upwards laid out
diverse sums of money in the repairs and lasting Improvements in his said Appartment to the
amount of £40 and upwards, and has not yet received any beneft thereby but will be a great
advantage to any suceeding Artmaster
end praying that he might have some allowance
for the several Sums of money so laid out as aforesaid or that he may have other relife therein
It is Ordered that the said Petition be rejected.
DunkarleyEnoch< no role >
Petn for Dock's Gift}
Upon reading the humble Petition of Each of
Enoch Dunkerly< no role >
settingforthThat he served
his Apprenticeship
in this Hospital to Mr.
William Phillips< no role >
one of the Artmasters
of this
Hospital by Indenture dated the 9th. of April 1728 and by an Order of Court the 21st of August
1735 he was on the 5th of September following made free of this City and is set up for himself
in his said Trade atMr Dunkerlys next door to the Appletice in Leather Lane
And the Court being informed informed that the Comittee of this house on the
inspected the Book kept of Appreatices behaviour and found no Complaint against him It is
Ordered that
John Tayler< no role >
. Mr.
Thomas Nash< no role >
& Mr.
Robert Glynn< no role >
three of the
Governors of these Hospitals
or any two of them be desired to enquire whether the said
Enoch Dunkerly be set up in his said Trade and his hopefullness therein and to make
their Report to the next Court.