Thursday 13th Novr. 1735
To pay 10s for prsents
Cox on ye. admittance of every
Upon reading a Report from the Grand Comittee of Bethlem Hospital bearing date
the 8th. day of October last under the hands of the Right Worspll. Robert Alsop< no role >
. Alderman
George Wharton< no role >
Mr Thomas Pestell< no role >
, Mr Robert Bishop< no role >
, Walter Pryse< no role >
Mr William Myers< no role >
, Mr Gilbert Mather< no role >
, Mr. Robert Hall< no role >
, Mr. Richard Bridgman< no role >
, Mr.
William Woolball< no role >
, Mr. Philip Searth< no role >
, Mr. Depty Thomas Davis< no role >
, Mr. Allen Webb< no role >
, Mr.
Deputy Hodges & Mr. William Brent< no role >
in the words and figures following Vizt.
Several Orders of the Court holden at the Hospital of Bridewell
relating to the
Government of this Hospital from 30th March 1677 being readIt is the Opinion of
this Committee That the following Orders be repeated Vizt.the Order of 2d. Novr. 1681
That no patient should be discharged out of Bethlem Hospital till first brought before the Court
to be holden for the said Hospitaland so much of the Order of the 20th. Novr. 1702 as limits
the number of Patients to 136And this Comittee are of Opinion that the patients be
taken in and discharged by the Monthly Comittee as has been practised for many years
And Whereas by an Order of Court 21st. August last upon a Report from this
Comittee It was Ordered that parish Officers should be obliged upon the Admittance of any of
their Inhabitants to pay 10s to the Steward to be by him put into the Servants box and that
the Monthly Comittee for the time being at the Opening of the said Box should thereout
increase the Servants Wages in such proportion as they should think proper and that if
any of the Servants should demand or use any Method to obtain any Gratuity Fee or Reward
upon the Admittance or discharge of any Patient such Servant should be imediately dismissed
The Comittee being informed the said Order is Evaded by the parish Officers & finding
that the Servants wages in the said Order mentioned are not equal to their Trust since the
prequisites they Claimed were taken from them by Order of Court the 27th. day of March last
This Comittee are of Opinion that upon the Admission of every Patient into the said
Hospital the person applying for such Patient shall put into the Servants box such Sum as
the Monthly Comittee shall from time to time direct not exending 10s. to be distributed as in the
last mentioned Order is directed And that for this a box be set upon the Table at the
meeting of every Comittee for the Admission of Patients All which nevertheless is submitted to
the Judgement of the Court. And it is Ordered That this Opinion be reported to the next Court
This Court having duly weighed and considered of the said Report doth Confirm
the same.
Upon reading a Report from the Comittee of this Hospital bearing date the 15th of Octr. last
settingforthThat in persuance of an Order of Court of the 21st. of August last this
Comittee having considered of the several Gentleman following who were nominated to be
Governors of these Hospitals It is the Opinion of this Comittee that they are very proper
persons to be Governors if the Court shall think fit Vizt.
Nominated by
James Lightboun< no role >
.Red Lyon Square
Robert Bishop< no role >
John Thomas< no role >
Fishstreet hill
Henry Marshall< no role >
John Besworth< no role >
Guild hall
Mr. Treasurer
John Crawley< no role >
Francis Asty< no role >
Crips Gascoigne< no role >
in Essex
Dr. Bamber
Mathew Vernon< no role >
Ludgate street
Henry Sisson< no role >
Andrew Cross< no role >
John Hassell< no role >
William Fletcher< no role >
Mansfield Street
Goodman's field's
Vinegar Marchant
Mr Thomas Cox< no role >
Edward Lisle< no role >
Red Lyon Square
Mr. Thomas Pestell< no role >
Mr. Thomas Monley< no role >
Thomes street
Mr. William Brent< no role >
Mr. Richard Skinner< no role >
Mr. Deputy Everett
Mr. Deputy Thomas Elton< no role >
Mr. Deputy Farrington
Mr. John Douglas< no role >
Cannon Street
Mr. Deputy Davis
Mr. William Williford< no role >
St. Katherines
beal Merchant
Mr. President
Mr. Daniel Ireson< no role >
Sugar baker
Wellclose square
Mr. George Bludworth< no role >
All which nevertheless is submitted to the Judgment of the Court And it is Ordered that
this Opinion be reported to the next CourtThis Court doth Elect the said Gentlemen
to be Governors of these Hospitals
And it is Ordered that Staffs be sent to them