Wednesday 28th Janry 1735
Govrs. reced their charge
At this Court the Charge was read to
James Lightbourn< no role >
. Mr.
Skynner< no role >
William Fletcher< no role >
Daniel Ireson< no role >
& Mr.
Thomas Moseley< no role >
Governors of these Hospitals
AccountsTime appointed
for auditing them
Ordered That the General Accounts of both Hospital in Arrear to Christmas
1734 be made up and Audited on or before Lady day next and be reported to the
following General Court And that the Accounts to Christmas 1735 be made up and
Audited on or before Michaelmas next and that for the future all the Accounts of both
Hospitals be annually made up and Audited to Christmas And be reported to the
General Court before Michaelmas following
desired to call one
more or Month
Ordered that the President
be desired to call a General Court at least once in
every Month for dispatch of the business of these Hospitals
Comitteeswhen to meet
To lay before them an
accot of ye Revenues of ye
and [..] money ye Officers
have in their hands}
No Paymt to be made but
by order of Comee}
Ordered that the House Comittee at Bridewell to meet the first Wednesday in
every Month at three in the Afternoon and the Grand Comittee at Bethlem the
third Wednesday in every Month at three in the Afternoon and be summoned
accordinglyThat the Clerk do at each Meeting lay before the respective Comittees
a Rentall and Account of the Revenues and Benefactions belonging to each Hospital
also the last Audited AccountsThat the Trear
Clerk and Steward do at the some
time lay before the said Comittees Accounts in Writing of what money belonging to each
Hospital they have in their respective hands and the respective times they received the same
that each Comittee may thereby be enabled to order the due payment of Tradesmens Bills
and other Outgrings and be the better Judges of the Occonomy of each HospitalAnd that
are payments be made but by virtue of an Order of one of the Comittees to be entred in their
Book for that purpose
To consider of a [..] thed to Prvent
Felons being reced into Bridewell}
Ordered That it be referred to the Comee of this House to consider of some proper
Method to prevent persons being received into this Hospital by Warrant by which they do
not appear to be loose idle and disorderly persons but as guilty of Felony or Petty
Larceny only.