Parish of Saint
Clement Danes}
At a Meeting of the Committee Elected and appo
pursuant to an Act of Parliament intitled "An Act
"to amend and render more effectual several Acts made
relating to Paving Cleansing and Lighting the Square
Streets Lanes and other Places within the City and
Liberty of Westminster
and parts adjacent in the
Vestry Room of Saint Clement Danes
the 18th- day of
December 1771
PresentMr. KitchinerIn the Chair
Mr. RobertsMr. Ireland
Mr SumnerMr. Dewsbery
Mr. WarcupMr. Jones
Proposed and Agreed that Mr. Kitchiner take the Chair
The Minutes of the last Meeting read and confirmed
The Clerk having laid before this Committee a Bill of Thomas
Lovett< no role >
and William Meredith< no role >
amounting to £56..8s 9d for
Repairing several Streets in this Parish It is Ordered that
the same be transmitted to the Commissioners for Payment
and for that purpose three of this Committee signed the same
It is Ordered that Mr. George the Collector do pay into the
Bank to the Account of the Commissioners for Paveing the
Sum of One hundred and fifty Pounds to be by them applied
in Payment of such Bills as have been or hereafter shall
be Certified by this Committee And for that purpose It is Order
that Mr. Kennett Mr. Jones and Mr. Ireland do draw on
Messrs- Snow Denn & Co. to that amount
Resolved that it is this Committees Opinion that
the Sum of Thirteen hundred Pounds of forthwith
borrowed upon the Credit of the Additional Rate of Carey
Street Serle Street Portugal Street and Milford Lane
at four and a half per Cent
Adjourned to Monday the 30th. Instant
at Six o' Clock
Wm Kitchiner< no role >