A Bill from James Higley< no role >
amounting to £127..5s..10d
for business done by him on Account of New Paving Milford Lane
Clare Court Carey Street Portugal Street and Serle Street being also
laid before this Committee which being Read and the Supervisor
to this Committee attending and Certifying that he had Measured
the same Work and that the Charges in the said Bill are true
It is Ordered that the said Bill be transmitted to the Commissioners
for Payment out of Moneys for New Paveing and for that purpose
this Committee signed the same
A Bill from Lancelot Burton< no role >
amounting to £43..13s..1d
for business done by him on Account of New Paveing Milford Lane
little Essex Street
Carey Street Portugal Street and Serle Street
being also laid before this Committee which being Read and the
Supervisor to this Committee attending and certifying that he had
Examined the same Bill which is true It is Ordered that the
said Bill be transmitted to the Commissioners for Payment out of
moneys for New Paveing and for that purpose this Committee
signed the same
A Bill from Samuel Griffis< no role >
to the New River
amounting to £4..5s..2d for altering the Wood and Leaden Pipes in
order to the New Paving Milford Lane being also laid before and
inspected by this Committee It is Ordered that the said Bill be
transmittedto the Commissioners for Payment out of moneys
for New Paving and for that purpose this Committee signed the same
Complaint having been made to this Committee by true of
the Inhabitants of Beaufort Buildings
of an Encroachment made on
the footway the corner thereof and the Breaking up of the Pavement
in both the foot and Carriage ways which lie in a Dangerous Condition
It is Ordered that Return be made to the Commissioners of
Pavement of such Incroachment Etc
Ordered that the Collector inform Mr. Kay & Mrs Preston
that unless they pay him the Rate on or before the 7th. February
or shew good Cause to the Contrary this Committed will procure
Warrants of Distress for the same
Complaint having been made to this Committee by several
Persons of the Pavement of the Carriage and Footways of the Strand
lying in this Parish being greatly out of Repair It is Ordered
that Return be made thereof the Commissioners of Pavement
Adjourned to the 7th. February next at five
o' Clock
Wm Kitchiner< no role >