It being the Opinion of this Committee (as well from the
Cattle being drove through Portugal Street every Market day
as from the place of Division of the Cattle to the different
Slaughter houses in Clare Market being against the Dead Wall
thereof which Street is a very great thorough fare) it will be
proper that Posts and Rails should be set up on the outside
of the foot Pavement against the Dead Wall of the Burying
Ground there as formerly It is therefore Ordered that it be
recommended to the Commissioners that the Churchwardens
have liberty to put down such Posts and Rails for the Protection
of ye Public
Ordered that Horobin and Raine be Summoned to
attend this Committee at their next Meeting
Adjourned to Wednesday the 18th
December 1771 at five 'o Clock
Wm Kitchiner< no role > This name instance is in set 2321.
Saint Clement Danes
5th- Decr. 1771
Vestry met pursuant to Notice & Adjournment
Henry Goodwyn< no role >
. one of the Commissioners of
the Pavement of this Parish having removed out of this
Parish William Kitchiner< no role >
. is appointed a Commissioner
in his Room and also continued a Committee man
Jos Marshall< no role >