Parish of Saint
Clement Danes}
At a Meeting of the Committee Elected and appointed
pursuant to an Act of Parliament intitled
"An Act to amend and render more effectual several Acts
"made relating to Paveing Cleansing and Lighting
"the Squares Streets Lanes and other places
"within the City and Liberty of Westminster
"parts adjacent" in the Vestry Room of Saint
Clement Danes the 16th- day of October 1771
PresentMr. Kitchinerin the Chair
Mr. JonesMr. Warcup
Mr WeatherstoneMr Ireland
Proposed and agreed that Mr. Kitchiner take the
The Minutes of the last Meeting read and confirmed
The Committee Signed a Duplicate of the Rate or
Assessment of One Shilling in the Pound (by them made on
the 13th- day of June last) for the purpose of Repairing
and Lighting several Squares Streets Lanes Etc
in this Parish amounting to £1470..8s-0d Also a Duplicate
of an Additional Rate of Six pence in the Pound by this
Committee made on the same day on Streets Etc already Paved in
this Parish amounting to £201..11s-0d Also a Duplicate of
another Rate of Six pence for every Square Yard of
Pavement belonging to Churches Etc by this Committee made
on the same 13th- day of June amounting to £52..2s..6d and
appointed Mr. John George< no role >
to Collect the said several
Adjourned to the 23d. Instant
at five' o Clock
Wm Kitchiner< no role >