for Old Paveing Relayed and accordingly this Committee and the said Raine
and Horobin executed such Contract
Mr. John Gros< no role >
and Co. having proposed to Pave Carey Street and Serle
Street with Squared Guernsey Stones Nine Inches Deep at 9s..6d Per Yard
and Mr. Thomas Lovett< no role >
and Mr. Willm Meredith< no role >
having proposed to Pave
the same with Squared Granite Nine Inches Deep at 8s..6d per Yard
and Relay Old Pebbles in the Carriage way of the said Streets at
9d Per Yard Square and to find such Pibbles as wanted at 3s..9d Per Yard
And this Committee having taken the said several Proposals into
Consideration Also the Abilities of the Inhabitants of Carey Street
and Serle
Street this Committee are of Opinion that the said Streets cannot be
Paved with Nine Inch Granite consistent with such the Abilities
of the Inhabitants It is therefore Ordered that this Committee do
Enter into Contract with the said Meredith and Lovett for Paveing
the same Streets as also Portugal and Portsmouth Streets
with Pibbles
at the Prices mentioned in their proposal and accordingly this
Committee and the said Lovett and Meredith executed such Contract
Ordered that the several Tradesmen do attend and do
such Business as shall be necessary and Ordered by the Supervisor
in Carrying on the Paveing of Milford Lane
little Essex Street
and Clare Court
And that the Clerk send to the New River
about Sinking Pipes in Milford Lane Etc
Adjourned to a New Summons
Wm Kitchiner< no role >