to be said in the best Screened Gravel And Defray all Incidental Expences of
Etc in such form as shall be Directed by the Surveyor, Specifying in the
proposal when the said Work shall be Compleated The said Committee likewise
Intend to Contract for taking up the Old paving in the Carriage ways of Milford
Lane and Little Essex Street
And for Repaving the said Streets with large Pebbles
laid in the best Screened Gravel Agreeable to such form and Level as shall be
Directed by the Survey or under the Inspection of the said Committee or their
Supervisor The Contractor to find Labour and Gravel and Defray all Incidental
Expences of Levelling Etc such of the Old Pebbles from the Several above Streets as
Directed to be Sized & relay'd And the Contractor to provide such further Quantity
of good Sized Guernsey pebbles as shall be necessary Compleat the said
Carriage ways Specifying in his proposals at what price Per yard for each &
when the work shall be Compleated The Committee also Intent to Contract
for paving the footways of the Several Streets abovementioned with a Moore Stone Kirb not less
than twelve Inches broad and Eight Inches thick and purbeck or Yorkshire Ealand
Edge Stone not less than two Inches & a half thick (Samel or bad Stones to be
rejected the Contractor to take up the Old foot pavg. & Square and relay such part
thereof as shall be Directed to Level the Ground Cart and Carry away all
Rubbish Etc or bring in Earth if wanted to make good the Level and find all Material
and Workmanship according to the form and Dimensions setout by the Commnrs.
Surveyor under the Inspection of the Committee or their Supervisor
The Committee Likewise Intend to Contract for paving Clare Court
with a flat foot
paving not less than two Inches and a half thick (bad Stones to be Rejected) The
Contractor to take up the present pavement and Square relay such part thereof
as shall be Directed, to Level the Ground Cart and Carry away all Rubbish Etc or bring
in Earth if wanted to make good the Level and find all Materials and
Each proposer to Specify his price Pr. Foot running for the Kirb and P
Yard Square for the Rest of the foot pavements
The Contractors to give Security for the Due performance of their Contracts
with in a time to be Limitted all proposals to be Delivered Sealed up at the time
and place abovementioned
Proposed and Agreed that Mr Tapper do such Carpenters Work as may
be necessary: Mrs. Meredith do such paviours Work as may be Necessary in the
Carriage Way and Mr. Buddle such paving as may be necessary in the foot way