Parish of Saint Clement
At a Meeting of the Committee Elected and
appointed pursuant to an Act of Parliament
intitled "An Act to amend and Render more effectual
several Acts of Parliament relating to Paving
and Lighting the Squares Streets Lane
and other Places within the City and Liberty of
and parts adjacent" in the Vestry
Room of Saint Clement Danes
the 28th- day
June 1771
PresentMr. KitchinerIn the Chair
Mr SumnerMr. Roberts
Mr PriceMr. Kennett
Mr WarcupMr. Weatherstone
Mr. IrelandMr. Seager
Proposed and Unanimously Agreed that Mr. Kitchiner
take the Chair
The Minutes of the last Meeting Read and Confirmed
This Committee having in pursuance of the Commrs- Order
of the 11th- Instant advertised for a Contract or Contracts for Paving
Carey Street Serle Street Portugal Street and Portsmouth Street in
such manner as therein mentioned and Jonathan Raine< no role >
and John
Horobin< no role >
having proposed to do the Moore Stone Kirb at 1s..9d Per
Running Yorkshire paveing at 5s..1d Per Yard Square and for the
Purbeck Paveing 5s..1d Per Yard Square and for Old Paveing in the
footways Relaid per Yard Square at 9d And Richard Buddle< no role >
andBearwise having proposed the Moore stone Kirb
at 1s..9d per foot Running the Purbeck Paveing at 5s per Yard And the
Old Ditto Squared and Relayed at 1s per Yard this Committee took
said several proposals into Consideration And the said Raine
Horobin consenting to lower their Price of Purbeck Paving to
Thereupon it was Ordered that this Committee do Contract with
the said Raine and Horobin at 1s..9d for foot for the Kirb 5s
Square Yard for the Purbeck Paveing and Nine Pence Per Yard