April 1784
By adjournment same day
Whereas by Virtue of an Act of Parliament made in the twelfth
Year of the reign of his late Majesty King George the Second Intituled
"An Act for the more easy assessing Collecting and Laying County Rates"
The Justices of the peace in that part of Great Britain called England
within the respective limits of their Commissions at their General or
Quarter Sessions or the greater part of them then and there assembled
having full power and authority from time to time to make one
General Rate or Assessment for such Sum or Sums of Money as the
Justices in their discretion shall think sufficient to answer all and
every the ends and purposes mentioned in the said Act Now for as much
as it appeareth unto this Court that more than three fourths of the Money
of the last rate made in Session last being the last preceeding
rate hath been paid and expended to answer the ends and purposes
mentioned in the said Act of Parliament and that it is necessary a
considerable Sum of Money should be raised and a rate made upon
the Towns Parishes and Places in the said County for raising of Money
to answer the several ends and purposes mentioned in the said Act of
Parliament This Court upon consideration of the premises is of
opinion and doth accordingly order that a General rate be made and
assessed upon every Town Parish and Place in the said County for
raising the Sum of Four thousand Pounds which this Court doth
think necessary to be raised for the purposes aforesaid This Court
by Virtue of the said Act of Parliament Doth assess upon every Town
Parish and Place herein after mentioned in the respective Hundreds
and Divisions in the said County of Middlesex
and within the
Jurisdiction and authority of this Court according to the preportion
they have been actually assessed towards raising of Money for the
passing and relieving of Vagrants the respective Sums of Money
(that is to say)
The Parish of Saint Margaret Westminster
The Parish of Saint Martin in the fields303:14:7
The Parish of Saint George Hanover Square
The Parish of Saint James Westminster