Middlesex Sessions:
General Orders of the Court

12th January 1784 - 10th September 1789

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMGO556090043

Image 43 of 54225th May 1784

May 1784.


"It is in Size 50 Feet by composed of as many Storys as
there are in the Prisons, and each Story is to be divided by three Brick
Walls so as to separate the Prisoners into Twelve divisions and the front
Enclosures so contrived as not to admit them to see each other

"An opening to be raised above the Roof (as P the Elevation) to
admit Air and Light, upright Ventilators or Ventiducts and Air holes
fixed on each Side of each Story of the Chapel.

"NB the Lower Story under the same being Arched may
serve as a Repository for Goods Manufactured Etc especially as the
Ground will require the foundation to go so low

"The Scite of the present Chapel may be given to New Prison


Divided into four distinct parts, the two to the right
intended principally for Females and the two to the left for Males,
and are to contain the following Classes and number of Prisoners

No. 1For Males of the 1st. Class Vizt. Felons and other attro-
cious offenders convicted, and in the Upper Storys such of
the 2nd. Class as shall be convicted of lesser Offences in or out of Sessn.

No. 2For Females of the same description74

No. 3For Males of the 3rd. Class Vizt. Such who are charged with
Felony and are committed for Tryal and such as are
Evidences for the Crown in the Upper Storys; and such of the
4th. Class charged with Assaults Misdemeanours Etc in the
lower Storys party separated in Cells 10. by 7 Feet and
10 Feet high & partly in small Numbers together

No. 4.For Females of the same description95

In all exclusive of those in the two Infirmaries
and Dangeors

"As the Number of Females in the third and fourth Classes
will probably not be equal to the Males it is proposed, that the
Apprentices Apartments in the Upper Story and Rooms for the better kind
of Prisoners shall be contained in No. 4.

Working Rooms

Four on each side of the Court Yard 30 Feet by 21 Feet
detached from each Prison and communicating therewith by Open Passages
with the Turnkeys Lodges at the Entrances thereof Two of the said Rooms to
be applied to each Prison and to be unconnected with each other. These
may again be subdivided

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