April 1784
And this Court doth Order and require that every High
Constable in the said County of Middlesex
do on or before the
day of next demand in Writing the
Sum of Money rated and assessed in the aforesaid rate upon
every Town Parish or Place in his Division or District of the
Churchwardens Chapelwardens and Overseers of the poor of
the same Town Parish or Place or any of them who are hereby
required out of the Money Collected or to be Collected for the relief
of the poor of the said Town Parish or Place to pay such Money
so rated and assessed thereupon in the said rate unto such
High Constable within the space of thirty days after demand, so
made thereof in writing to be given to the said Churchwardens
or Overseers of the poor or any of them and every High Constable
in the said County is hereby required at or before the next General
or Quarter Session of the Peace for this County after he shall have
received such Sum or Sums of Money to pay the same into the
hands of John Benson< no role >
residing in Lambs Conduit
Street who is Treasurer
of this County he having formerly
given Security by Bond to be accountable for the several
Sums of Money which shall be Paid to him in pursuance of
the said Act of Parliament and for the payment of such Sums
as shall be ordered to be paid by the Justices of the Peace for this
County in their General or Quarter Session and in case the said
Churchwardens Chapelwardens and Overseers of the Poor of any
Town Parish or Place abovementioned or any of them shall
neglect or refuse to pay the Sum of Money assessed thereupon
in the said rate within thirty days after demand made as
aforesaid to the High Constable of the Hundred Division or
District in which such Town Parish or Place so assessed doth
lie he is by the said Act of Parliament empowered and is
hereby required to levy the same by Distress and sale of the
Goods and Chattels of such Church wardens Chapelwardens
or Overseers of the Poor or any of them so refusing or