By Adjornment on Thursday the Ninth Day of April 1752
Order for the Keepers of
New Prison
and the House
of Correction not to Suffer
Prisoners in their Custody
to put on any other Cloathing
or Aparrell that what
the had in Prison before
they are carried before a
Justice of the Peace to be
examined Etc.}
It Being Represented unto this court that some
persons (who have been seent to New prison
or the House of a
Correction at Clerkenwell
upon suspition of having Committed Telony
or some other Grand Misdeameanor and have been ordered to be
brought before one of his Majestys Justices of the peace
in order to be
Examined and to hear what the prosecutor has to Alledge agt.
him (have before their being brought before such Justice of the
peace changed their Apparell and put on different Cloathing and
so disguised themselves that the prosecutors have not known
whether they were the same persons against whom they complained
or not, By which Artifice such Offenders have escaped a prosecution
for prevention whereof for the future It is ordered by this court
that the Keepers of the said prisons respectively and their respetive
do carry such prisoners in their Respective custodys
who shall be ordered to be carryed before a Justice of the peace as
aforesaid in the same Habit and Apparell in which they were as
prisoners in the said prisons or either of them And that they do
not permitt such prisoners to puton any other Cloathing or
Apparell before they be carryed before such Justice of the peace as
By Adjornment on Thursday the ninth Day of
April 1752
Order desiring
Boulton Mainwaring< no role >
. to inspect a
Workmens Bills.}
Information being given unto this court that several Sums
of Money are due to Workmen for Work by them done at now
prison and the House of Correction
and also at Hicks Hall
in St. John Street
in this county It is ordered by this court
Boulton Mainwaring< no role >
one of his Majestys
Justices of the peace
of this county be and he is hereby
desired to inspect the respective Bills of the said Workmen
and to consider and ascertain what Sum of Money in his
Judgment ought to be allowed and paid to each Workman
and to whom by Name upon his Bill to be produced to
the said Mr. Mainwaring who is desired to make his
Report touching the premisses at the next sessions.