all the Standing regulating Orders of the Sessions of the Peace for
this County, and to report what are necessary to be continued and
observed, and the Same to be laid before this Court on the next
County day, or as soon as they Shall be able to collect and Settle
Such Orders.
By Adjornment on Thursday the 20th. Day of February 1752
Order of Recommendation to
George Errington< no role >
Boulton Mainwaring< no role >
to view the Blocks and
Beatles in the House of
Correction at Clerkenwell
and touching the repairing
the same and provideing
New ones.}
Information being given unto this Court that some of the Blocks and Beatles
for the keeping ildle and disorderly persons in the House of Correction at
to labour are out of Repair and want to be amended And that
it may be necessary that some New Blocks and Beatles should be provided
for the keeping such idle and disorderly persons to Labour It is ordered
by this Court that it be And it is hereby Recommended unto
George Errington< no role >
Boulton Mainwaring< no role >
two of his Majestys Justices of the Peace
of this County to take a View of the Blocks and Beatles in the said
House of Correction
And to order such of them as are out of Repaire
and may be again made fit to be used, to be Repaired And in Case they
shall be of Opinion that it may be necessary that any New Blocks &
Beatles should be had for the Purpose aforesaid Then to Order such
New Blocks and Beatles to be provided and to inquire what the
Charge thereof may amount to And to make their Report touching the
said Matter to the Court of Sessions of the Peace for the said County.
By Adjornment on Thursday the 20th. Day of February
Order appointing a
Committee on the County
Day of every Sessions
to meet after Sessions
Weeks and see what
Prisoners in New
Prison and House of
Correction are poor &
not able to pay Fees}
It is ordered by this Court that a Committee of his Majestys Justices of
the Peace of this County be appointed on the County Day of every Session
of the Peace to be hereafter holden for the said County Which Committee on
the Adjornment Day after every Sessions, and (when there is no
Adjornment Day) on such Day as shall be appointed on the County Day
of such
[..] Sessions, are to meet at Hicks Hall
, and from thence to go
to New Prison
and the House of Correction
at Clerkenwell
and to see
what Prisoners (who on the Goal Delivery Day in the Sessions Week
were ordered to be discharged) are Poor and not Able to l pay Fees
And if the said Committee shall find them or any of Them so Poor
that they are not able to pay Fees, Then to order them who are so poor to be
discharged out of the said Respective Prisons without Payment of