By Adjornment on Thursday the 9th. Day of
April 1752
Order for adjorning the making
a Report by George Errington< no role >
and Boulton Mainwaring< no role >
. concerning Blocks &
Beatles in the House of
Correction at Clerkenwell
till the Next Sessions.}
It is ordered by this court that the making a Report
George Errington< no role >
Boulton Mainwaring< no role >
. Justices of the peace
of this county touching the
Repairing the Blocks and Beatles in the House of
Correction at Clerkenwell
or providing New Blocks &
Beatles there for the Keeping Loose Idle and disorderly
persons to Labour be adjorned untill the Next General
Sessions of the peace to be holden for the said County
And it is hereby recommended to the said
Justices in the mean Time to cause such Blocks
Beatles and Materials to be provided for the purpose
aforesaid as they shall think Necessary.
By Adjornment on Thursday the 9th Day of April
Order for Mr. Higgs< no role >
the Trearer to pay
£3.9s to Mr. John Daniel< no role >
the Deputy Cryer.}
An Account being Laid before this court by Mr.
John Daniel< no role >
Deputy cryer of this court
for Business by him done by
Direction of his Majestys Justices of the peace
of this county
in posting up a great many Orders of Sessions of the peace for the said
County agt. unlawfull Fairs (to wit) Shepherds Bush Fair
Harrystead Fair, Totterham Court Fair
, Welsh Fair
, Bow
Fair and Mile End Fair
and also for posting up other
Orders of Sessions to Suppress Disorders in Moorfields
amounting to one pound and Five Shillings And also
another Account being Laid before this court by the
John Daniel< no role >
for other Busyness by him done by
direction of his Majestys Justices of the peace
in posting
up orders of Sessions for the settling the Wages of
Journeymen Taylors in several parishes (to wit) St. John
the Evangelist St. Margaret Westmr. St. James
St. Paul Covent Garden
St. Mary Le Strand
St. Clement
Danes St. Martins in the Fields
, The Rolls Liberty
St. Andrew Holborn
and for some other Business by
amounting toTwo pounds Four Shillings
this Court being satisfyed that the said Sums are