London Ss
The Information of James
Baxler of the Market place
in the County of Middlesex
taken upon Oath before
William Plomor< no role >
Esqr Lord
Mayor of the City of London
of th December 1781
Who saith That on Thursday or friday
Morning the 29 or 30th of November
Benjamin Daniels< no role >
of Kings land head
in the timly of Middlesex
Watch barrel make came to this Informant
Lodgings,askt him if he to as going to
do much [..] He hoped by David
told him he bought was not of that if
told him that Mr Lee in the Minories
And had to do with his wife that he
went back to his wife to told li [..]
what had happened between Mr Lee Lawrence< no role >
& her that he went with Mr Bateman< no role >
a shinks officer on Wednesday last in
the Morning abt 11 o Clock, to see & told Given
he had used him extremly ill that he
had given his Wife the foul disease
Lee sayd was only his [..] hous
Informant saith He did not ask if
him for Money or any satisfaction
but the Laws of his county as a Poor
man Ja [..] Briew of this cory before
He look any step, says his Wife Who [..]