1 LUKE< no role >
HUGHES, in Tothillfields-bridewell
, committed by S. Wright,
Esq; on oath of Edward Collins< no role >
, for stealing a metal watch, a
, and 2 gold seals. Dated Oct. 29, 1781.
2 Mary Shinglewood< no role >
, in Tothillfields-bridewell
, committed by J. Durden,
Esq; on oath of Robert Tod< no role >
, on suspicion; and detained for stealing
from his person 22 guineas. Dated Oct. 31 and Nov. 3, 1781.
3 Matthew Matthewson< no role >
, in Tothillfields-bridewell
, committed by T. Gil-
bert, Esq
; on oath of Patrick Kenny< no role >
, for stealing a guinea. Dated
Nov. 3, 1781.
4 William Knox< no role >
, in Tothillfields-bridewell
, committed by T. Gilbert, Esq;
on oath of Charles William Boughton Rouse, Esq
; on suspicion; and
detained for stealing in his dwelling house several pair of lace ruffles,
and a gold watch, his property. Dated Nov. 10 and 26, 1781.
5 Ann Hyde< no role >
, in Tothillfields-bridewell
, committed by S.Wright, Esq;
on oath of Thomas Capp< no role >
and others, for stealing 4l.19s.6d. Dated
Nov. 12, 1781.
6 Stephen Fox< no role >
, otherwise Stephens, in Tothillfields-bridewell
, committed by
J. Barnfather, Esq
; on oath of Phillip Abbott< no role >
and William Shelton< no role >
for privately stealing in their shop one Turkey carpet and a hair broom,
value 7l. Dated Nov. 13, 1781.
7 George Townsend< no role >
, in Tothillfields-bridewell
, committed by S. Wright,
Esq; on oath of Thomas Hedge< no role >
and others, for feloniously taking and
riding away, in the county of Middlesex
, a bay mare, his property.
Dated Nov. 14, 1781.
8 Charlotte Ray< no role >
, in Tothillfields-bridewell
, committed by J. Durden, Esq
on oath of Edward Davison< no role >
, for stealing from his person 6 guineas.
Dated Nov. 19, 1781.
9 Richard Isaacs< no role >
, in Tothillfields-bridewell
, committed by S.Wright, Esq;
on oath of Andrew Douglas< no role >
and another, on suspicion; and detained
for feloniously assaulting him on the highway, putting him in fear, and
taking from him a gold stop watch, a medal, a congress dollar, and
other money. Dated Nov. 21, 1781.
10 Jane Dobey< no role >
, in Clerkenwell-bridewell
, committed by J. Girdler, Esq;
on oath of Margaret Cammeron< no role >
and her own confession, for feloniously
stealing a cotton gown, a white apron, and two cheque aprons. Dated
Oct. 26, 1781.
11 Thomas Lannon< no role >
, in Clerkenwell-bridewell
, committed by J Staples, Esq;
on oath of James Smith< no role >
and another, on suspicion of stealing 43 bushels
of wheat, value 10l. the property of John Fullager< no role >
, Esq
; and 11 sacks,
value 12s. as an evidence on behalf of the crown. Dated Oct. 31, 1781.
[..] Kent
Richard Chambers< no role >
William Manley< no role >
John Strong< no role >
George Cranfiels< no role >
in Clerkenwell-bridewell
committed by J. Barn
J. Payne< no role >
, and
James Croft< no role >
, Esqrs
. on oath of
John Lyon< no role >
, for unlawfully conspiring, confederating,
and agreeing together with
James Preston< no role >
, in as
, seizing hold of him, and unlawfully imprisoning him for 3
days and 3 nights. Dated Nov. 1, 1781.