To the Right Honoble. Sr
. John Fleete< no role >
. Lord Maior of the Citty
of London And to the right Worll their Maties Justices of the Peace
in the Generall Quarter Sessions assembled.
The humble Peticon and appeale of the Churchwardens & Overseers
of the poore
of the parish of St. Stephen Colemanstreete London
That by Virtue of a Warrant under the handes & seales of two of their Maties Justices
of the peace
wth. in this Citty one Thomas Hill< no role >
& Mary< no role >
his Wife
were sent and
deliverved by the Churchwardens of St. Buttolph Bishoppsgate
to yor. Petr. to be
provided for upon the oath of the said Tho: Hill That his last legall Settlement
was in yor. Petrs. Parish Whereas in tenth the said Thomas on Hill went
out of the said Parish of St. Stephen Coleman streete
into the said Parish of
St. Buttolph
Bishoppsgate before Aprill 1684 where hee & his Wife have on
inhabited ever since.
Their humble suite unto your good Honors. & Worpps. is
That you will be pleased to heare yor. Petr. in the
Premissed And to send the said Thomas Hill< no role >
& his
to the said parish of St. Buttolph Bishoppsgate
where they were last legally settled There to be
provided for according to Lawe.
And They shall Pray Etc
Ordr. of futr
[..] Quashed
Beshoppsgate to the Pson