London Ss
12 Jne
S Lovell Record
Whereas Complaynt hath beene made unto us
whose hands and Seales and hereunto Sett. two of third Majesties
Justices of the peace
for the said Cittie of London one being of
the Quox) by the Church Wardens and Overseers of the Poor of
the Parrish of St. Bottolphs Bppsgate London That
Thomas Hill< no role >
Mary< no role >
his Wife
of the Pish of St. Stephens Coldman streete
within the said Cittie of London Wever ded lately round into
theire said Pish, with intent to settle there, without giveing
notice or Warneing in writeing as by Law they are required
to doe And are likely to be round Chargeable to the said
Pish unlesse tymedly prevented And for as much as oath
is made before us by the said
Thomas Hill< no role >
that his last Legall
Settlement or abode was in the Pish of St. Stephen's Coleman
Streete aforesaid as a house holden These are therefore in
theire Majesties names Strictly to Charge and Command you
the Officers of the Pish of St. Bottolphs Popps Gate aforesaid or
some or one of you to take passe and carry away the said
Thomas Hill< no role >
and Mary his wife out of you said Pish to ye
Pish of St. Stephens Coleman Streete aforesaid And there
deliver them constable Church Wardens or Overseers of the
Poore of the same, or to seince or one of them Who are
hereby likewise in theire Majesties names required the
Thomas Hill< no role >
and Mary his wife to receive and
provide for according to Law And hereof you not any of
you are to feyle Given under our hands and seales this
12th: day of June Anno Dom 1693
To the ChurchWardens and Overseers
of the Poore of the Pish of St. Bottolphs
Bpps Gate
aforesaid And all other whome
this may Concerne