City of London Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

8th December 1692 - 28th November 1693

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSLPS150040212

Image 212 of 23212th June 1693

London Ss

19th Oct

S Lovell Record

Whereas Complayent hath beene made unto as
whose hands and Seales are hereunto sett two of theire
Majesties Justices of the Peace for the Said Cittie of
London (one being of the Quor) by the Churchwarden
and overseers of the poore of the Pish of St. Nicholas
Cole abby London That Elizabeth Day< no role > Widdow a poor
land Woman is lately come into theire said Pish
[..] is Cerome Chargerable to the same And for as
such as it appeares unto us upon the oath of ye
[..] d Elizabeth Day< no role > that she lived in the parrish
[..] t Stephen Coleman Streete London as a Sajoremer
or Lodger for two yeares togeather. before May
one Thousand Six hundred Eighty five These
are therefore in their Majesties Names to require
and Command you the Officers of the Pish of St.
Nicholas Cole abby aforesaid some or one of your
to take passe and carry away the said Elizabeth
< no role > out of your said Pish, to the Pish of St.
Stephen Coleman Streete aforesaid And there deliver
her unto the Church Wardens or Overseeres of ye
poore of the same or to some or one of them
Who are hereby likewise in theire Majesties names
required the said Elizabeth Day< no role > to received and
provide for according to Law And hereof you
nor any of you are to fayle Groeth undo. our
hands and seales this 19th. day of October Anno
Dom 1693

Robt Geffery< no role >

To the ChurchWardens Constables and Overseers of the
poore of the pish of St. Nicholas Coleabby aforesaid
And all other theire Majesties Officers and Ministers
whome this may Concerne

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