Whereas one Elizabeth Day Widdow
by virtue of a worn out or order under the
hands & Portes of hour of their Mortyer. Justices of the poore wth. in this
City (one being of the Quox) were Rent & delivered by the Churchwardens
& Overseers of the poors of the parrish of St. John Baptist
London [..]
[..] Churchwardens & Overseers of the poore of the parish of St.
Nicholas Colenbby to be there provided for & mainteyned Now upon
hearing the petron & appeale of the Churchwardens & Overseers of
the poore of the Son parish of St. Nicholas Cole abby
in this mother in the
Prform of the Churchwarden & Overseers of the poore of the [..]
parish of St. John Baptist
what appointed to mainteyn the said
warrant or order And it appeareing to this Combe by the oathes of
Rondall witness That the said Elizabeth Day< no role >
was never legally falled at on
Inhabitant in the ford parish of St. Nicholas Colenbbery
but only after her husbands tenth
therein wth. her mother whos likewith wat never legally lested in the said
parish It is therefore Ordered by this Counte That the And warrant or
order made by the And two Kistoces ne Quartred And that the And Elizabeth
Day< no role >
be look to the Churchwardens of St. John Bright< no role >
where shee & her late husband dwell further Mary years And won the please of her last bright [..] those to be copt
provided for & mainteyneduntill Tho of Mr. Fees the [..] of the
Charge of the of by one [..]
According to the Lane