16 Jan. 4
The Examination & Confession of
Edw: Francis< no role >
blackamon servt
. to Mr.
Tho: Dymock< no role >
in the Tower
Keeper of the Lyons taken before the Right
Honoble the Lord Lucas Chief Governour of the
said Tower
16th. of January 1691/2
This Examint. saith that about 8 or 9 months since he
bought a parcell of stuff from a Rat catcher wch. he was
informed (by another Black called Tom living at the Corner
of Mincing lane
) would make people sick & vomitt
That about a month or two after he this Examint.
putt a Dose of the said stuff into a Mess of milk to
be taken by his sd. Master wch. milk his Master at
the same time took & was viry sick with the same.
That some time after he putt the like quantity of the
same stuff into something to be taken by his Mrs. she
being at the same time sick & since dead.
That on Sunday last he putt another Dose of the same
into a Skillet of Watergruill of wch. his new Mrs.
(his Mar. bring again married) and the Maid eat some
[..] , His Mar. eating none of the Gruill though he
owns he putt some of it into a Draught of ale pre-
paring for his Master, wch. made his Master very
ill, & very much discomposed his Daughter who but
tasted [..] of it the Catt by Chance eating what was
lift in the Porrenger of [..] Grewill dyeing presently
after.& further saith not
coram me
16 Die January 1691/2
The mark [mark] of
Edward Francis< no role >