City of London Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

13th March 1691 - 14th December 1692

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSLPS150030043

Image 43 of 18527th May 1692

Chosen Dudley
Jen: yr 14

I hope you will pardon my
Confidens, For desireing, affaner off
you, yt iss to gor to my wife Lodgings,
and in yuirr how all things iss with her;
For I was Forsend to gor my towyes From London
Last Sunday night; and left my pors wife and
Children, in yr midest off all her enings;
For I have a Scandell uppon mes which I thank
God I am not gillty off; was I I would not deney
itt to you; For I know your to bes a parson off
worth and sencs, Dearer parden mee For I
[..] dar not trust nor parson but your Slefe
and I humbly begg off you For Christ Jesus
saks to comford my wife and tell her yt I will
send to you, and you shall know how to writr
to mer in yr next; good sr before kind to writr
to my brother dudley; and lett him know
how things iss with my wife; ye next post
worthy sr make good yr ould preverbs and stand
my Frend; yt I may say affrend in neede iss a
Frend in didr Left nor parson know you
hears From [..] butt not Wife

I send a peny post Letter to my wife Last monday
and him to send to mes; and a shillings in yr Letter but
I never had not Letter From her; which yr no little
troblr; to him who iss deare sr your ever obliged
and most humble Sarvant wilst I am

Frank: Milward< no role >

Thears iss a pare off butt Gufes
2 pars off procatr pistels; which iss in panke att yr
3 bonles in Long aker; yr are pawned in Charles winsterlly
name; which I did promised to my broken Dudley [..]
[..] iff you will send them to [..]
hes will send you your money; yr are in For 15 Shillings
but not I think out Litt itt a Lonr

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