City of London Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

13th March 1691 - 14th December 1692

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSLPS150030021

Image 21 of 1851st January 1692

Midds ss
1st Jan

The Information Abraham Clary taken before
me One of their Matys. Justices of the Peace for this
County this first of January Anno: Dom 1691

This Informant Sayeth upon his Oath that on Saturday last being the
twenty Sixth day of Xber last past about 80 of the Clocke in ye Evening
he this Informant togethr wth one William Griffiths< no role > , James Phillipps< no role > and
one Morrice Moore< no role > not yet taken did about and same tyme enter the houses (att the backs
Dow the said dore being open) of William Keene< no role > living in Liquorband Streete
in the Parish of St. Andrews Holborne , and did feloniously take onw of the fair
house eight pounds eleven shillings three pence in fisher and one halfe broad
peece of Gold a Corolus peece vallew thirteen shillings, and Plate wch was Sold by
Griffiths as the said Griffiths told this informant & ye rest of the Company for five
& twenty pounds, & Gold rings & a Cockett for five pounds, wch Said Plate & Kings Etc
Came to thirty pounds & three petticoates, two Gownes, a pairs of Stapes, a
Cloake & a Coate & Breeches, fine pairs of sheets, a lacer Scarse and other
Small Cinnen, all wch Cloths ye abovenamed Morrice Moore< no role > by Consent gave
eight pounds for to bee equally divided in fower shares, and goe Soone as they
had robbed the sd hows they Carryed the said money, & Goods to the Signe of ye Robbin
hood in shoe Cans when they parted the said among & goods, & that the fower Shares
was divided twelve pounds each Share

And this Informt further Sayeth that Mawrice Moore< no role > , did goe in at a Window of a
house in Peter Streete by Cow Crosse & brought a bundle of Cinnen wch of ye sd house wch the sd Inford
nor the rest had now Shaw of; wch was done the same Evening they robbed the
Said Keene,

And this Informant further Sayeth that he this Informant togeth wth William
< no role > , James Phillipps< no role > & Morrice Moore< no role > did one day the last weeke
about six of the Clocke in the Evening Rob oneBrowne in Christophers
Alley in Threadnedle Streete & take from wch of the said house one laced
scarse, One Feather Tippett, one suite of laced head Cloths, & one hood or two,
two pairs of Gloves & forms Ribbon & a benngall Morn: gowne wch. Suie goods they divided amongst them
Selves, & this Informant sayeth that Morrirs Moore did Enter ye sd house and
brough the good about sd to them, as the sd Morrice Moore< no role > told this Informat,
& further Saiethnott

Juratt die att Anno prdict.
Coram me.

Wm James< no role >

Abraham Stasey< no role >


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