two linen Shirts three pair of Breeches and one Diniety
Waiscoat which this Informant pawned likewise with
the said Pepperell And further saith that she hath
also pawned one Cloth [..] Coat and Waiscoat with
Thomas Townshend< no role >
Pawnbroker in Hase Alley
and one Sheet one Shirt, one Cloth Coat and
one Silk Handkerchief with Charles Cole< no role >
a Pawn broke
in Brick Lane Old Street
and which Goods were
also entrusted to this Informant for that Purpose by
the said Ann Dennitt And this Informant John
Crockett< no role >
further saith that the above Things so pawned by
the said Elizabeth Taylor< no role >
as aforesaid and now
produced and shewn to him by the said respective
pawnbrokers are the same which have been stolen
out of his House aforementioned.
Taken and sworn the day and
year aforesaid before me}
D Wilmot
Jno Crockett< no role >
The mark of
Elizabeth Taylor< no role >