1691 An Account of ye Suremt money
£ s d
May-20th: Reced at a Collection
being a Hall
31st Reced more01:10:00
June-7th Reced00:18:00
17th Reced being Half00:12:00
July-5 Reced00:19:00
August 3d Reced01:02:00
19 Reced being ye Hart00:06:00
Septembr 7th Reced01:07:06
16 Reced being 9th Hart00:16:00
Octobr: 4th Reced01:16:00
Novembr 1st Reced01:08:00
5 Reced at a Collection00:08:00
Novembr 1st Reced01:08:00
5 Reced at a Collection00:08:00
Decembr 6 Reced01:10:02
Reced £13:03:08
Du [..] Ball £01:10:08
£ s d
May-21st Pind mr Cooke 1s:6d Clerk 2s. two
poore women 2s a poore man 6s}00:06:00
31st Pd mr Cook 5s mr South 5s00:10:00
June 7th Pd mr Cook 5s mr Gatfords [..] 2s
the Clerk 1s}00:08:-
17th Pd ye Clerke 1s Goody Smith Johnson
Bell Kindell< no role >
Court & Wagstaft
each 1s P mr Cooke up in of Shery}00:08:00
July 5th Pd mr Cooke00:05:00
Augst 3d Pd mr Cooke 5s ye Clerk ye Convertd
Span yard
2s6d a poore woman
form and Ferrist}00:09:06
19th pd up into of Comary00:01:00
Septr 7th pd of mr Cooke 5s. & 2s 6d he gave
a poore Clergyman} 00:07:06
16th pd to ye Clerke & Severall poore
people P mr Reynolds}00:10:00
Octobr 4th pd to a Ministr and 10s mr Souch
5s: apoore Reader 3s [..]
burnt out by Lighting 2s the
Clerk & Sexton 1s: Each}01:02:00
Novembr 1st pd mr Cook & mr South 10s: Sexton
Clerk and 3 others Each 1s}00:15:00
5th pd to Severall poore P mr Reynolds00:08:00
Decembr 6th Pd mr Cooke & mr South 10s the Clerk
& Sexton & Severall poore P mr
Reynolds to 9 taken by the French
2s.6d to poore old man 1s}01:00:00
22th Paid out of ye Sacremt as P the Vestry
March 24 Paid more as P ye Vestry Booke02:10:00