An Account of what moneyes is paid for the use of
the Parrish as followeth (vizt)
£ s d
May 27 Paid att the mitre after at Vestry as p note not:000:16:00
Paid to Sunday Charges att Drs. Comms
No. 2003:06:08
Paid in Severall Expences for being sworne Churchwardens000:10:00
29 Paid for the Parish Dimner on Ascension Day No: 3:014:05:04
June 9th Paid att the Mitre after at Vestry No. 4001:00:06
Paid for
my Lord< no role >
Mayors warrt to make A Call
for the Poore}000:04:06
Paid A Poore Woman in great By tresse000:01:00
16 Spent att the Mitre after at Vestry No. 5000:07:06
25 Paid
Goody waystaffe< no role >
7 weeks Pencon att 4s p week001:08:00
27 Paid
Thomas Martin< no role >
as p his Bill No:6006:12:06
Nurse Naseby< no role >
two qrs Pencon due att midson001:17:06
Paid Barbery up Johnson her qrly Pencon to midson001:12:06
30 Pd wido
: Smith her qrly Pencon to windmr.001:12:06
Pd wido: Kendall her qrly Pencon001:12:06
Pd wido Harry her qrly Pencon & rent000:15:06
Pd Goodman Court his qrly Pencon000:13:00
John Beard< no role >
for Nurseing two Children No.7013:00:08
July Pd Mary Fair Cloth for Nurseing to midsomr No:8013:00:00
Joane Marshall< no role >
for Nurseing Hamour two
No. 9}003:08:04
29 Gave of Poore wounded Seaman000:00:08
Jacob Parker< no role >
in Cath 7s 10d and p note 1s 10d
Augt. 5 Spent att the mitre in rateing the Poores Bookes000:07:00
15 Paid for Signing the poores Bookes by ye Ld. Mayor000:03:00
mr Glassbrooke< no role >
for Sweete meals for ye Ld. of London
Pd Wido: Wagstaffe her 9 weeks Pencon att 4s p weeks001:16:06
29 Spent att Peneford
in ye Presence of mr
Wm Thomas< no role >
Paid Barbery Johnson her qrly pencon to Michal001:12:06
Octr p no. Pd wido Smith her qrly Pencon to Michal001:12:06
Pd wido Rendall her qrly Pencon001:12:06
Pd wido Harris her qrly Pencon and rent001:04:00
Pd Goodman Court his qrly Pencon000:13:00
Pd Nurse Fair Cloth her qrly paymt. No.13013:11:06
Spent with he Collecters of the Peare att the Mitre000:02:01
Sept 9 Pd
Stephen Slade< no role >
for the Fire in
Bigshop Levington< no role >
Tho: Martin< no role >
at p Bill No. 15005:11:06
Spent att ye Mitre after A Vestry as p Bill
No. 16}000:15:00
George Epsley< no role >
for Nurseing
Wm: Hammond< no role >
James Marshall< no role >
for Nurseing
Anne Hammond< no role >
Allowed Sr
Robt Jeffryes< no role >
for ½ a yeare taxes
as appeares by Receipt