£ S D
Spent in the Parish Businesse Mr. Backwell & Mr Ryan prsent00 04 00
paid for three Summons from Doctors Comons00 03 00
15. paid Saml. Kirke Harnesses Breife Collected att the Doore-17.10
18 Spent Mr. Blackwell Mr. Ryan Mr. Staynard prsent about Nominateing of Assesors of ye poor ye
00 06.06
26 paid the Beadle for the Warrant of the poores Rate00 03 06
26 paid Mr. Rawlinson his Bill Mr. Cooke Etc. prsent after Discharge of Mr Knight Doctors comons00 15 02
May 4 Spent on Assencion Night as p Mr. Rawlinsons Receipt01 12 08
ye 4paid for pvision & Servants same times 01.06 00
Spent Severall prishoners that Day & Night in Coffee & Ale00 02 00
12paid Mr. John King< no role >
ye Ballance of his Acct as p Parish Booke as p receipt in this Booke13 02 05
John Ingram< no role >
for 9 Grosse Taggs< no role >
as & Receipt01 02 06
21Gave to the Bonfire on Beating of the French Fleet00 03 06
24Paid Assessing of the poores Rate00 04 00
paid for a File, Spent att a Treating Paul Dennis being an Apprentice00 01.06
June 7 paid for 2 Formes of prayer from Doctors Comons00 02 00
9Spent on the parish Businesse Mr. Cooke prsent00 05 06
12paid Mr. Cooke the Money Collect. on the Breife for ye Redempcon of Captives in Algecies21 19 00
15Spentgave Geo: Blake< no role >
& Jno. Brownerinmed in Galloway00 02 06
15Spent att the Miter after a Vestry as p Receipt & Bill01.18.04
Spent the Same Day treating wth. Mr. Rutter twice & Mr. Fungess. & alsoe on
Severall Parishoners about Parish Businesse} 00 02 06
18paid for the Booke of Rates Signed & My Lord< no role >
Major00 02 06
22Gave Mr. Rod in a poore Minister in great want00.02 06
23Gave 2 Irish Women ptestants Distroyed p the French00 01.00
25paid for Mowing of 2 Church Yards00 02 00
25Spent on the Collts. my Partner prsent00 02 06
27pd Nurse Fire cloth in Full for Nurseing 11 Children as p her Bill & receipt to ye Instant16-06.00
28pd Nurse Naisby< no role >
for s. quarter Nurseing Jno. Coppin as p receipt01-17 06
8 {paid Widdo. Harris her Pencon due the 24 Instant01.03 00
paid Widdo. Kendalls quarters Pencon 32s.6d. Widdo. Wagstaffe £2.12s04 04 06
pd Widdo. Johnson, one quarter 45s.6d Widdo. Smith qt. 32s.6d. Good Court j qt 32s.6d. Good Court j qt.13s04.17 00
pd Good is Martin her Pencon Due ye. 24 Instant01-12 06
Spent att a Meeteing about Bindeing Paul Denniss00 00 08
ye 2paid Nurse Beare for 2 Children due the 24 June03-10-08
9Gave Workemen to Drinke Whitening the Church00-01-06
paid Tho: Martin his Bill as p Receipt & Quarteridge0419 00
For a Hatt & Bond for One of the Parish Boyes00 02 00
8pd Nurse Hipsley for Wm. Hamond Due ye 24 of June01:15 04
8pd Nurse Marshall for Nureing Ann Hamond Due Ditto01.13 00
29Gave to Workemen to the Church for Drink & Spent on Parishoners00 03 00
£8713 04