The Accompt of mr John King< no role >
accompt. Churchwarden of St. Dyonis
Backchurch London For and Concerneing the Receipts and payments
by Reason of the sd. Office, By the said John King< no role >
from the Fast of
Easter 1691. Being the time he was Chosen there unto untill the First
of Easter 1692 In the William & Queen Mary over England Etc
Receipts as Followeth
£ s d
Mayth 18 Reced on acct: of Tinmouth Breife.05 16 00
26th Reced of mr Walter Ryon the Ballance of his Accot.01 17 03½
June 8th Reced of ye Carpenters
Compn:.00 07 06
10th Reced of mr Robert Budsey< no role >
for one quart poores money.00 04 04
29th Reced of mr Dashwood< no role >
& Tho Martins< no role >
& order of ye Lord Mayor< no role >
.00 05 -
Agust 1st Reced of mr Abra: Hind< no role >
& mr Antho Reynolds< no role >
what Removed in their hands when Collectr.01 00 08
15th Reced of mr whilkey for Nine Burialls.09 06 00
20th Reced of the Pewterers Companey.00 16 03
Septemr: 6th Reced of mr John Lamb< no role >
& mr Tho: Met< no role >
[..] Collectr for ye poore.51 00 00
30th Reced of mr Mile Whiskin< no role >
for 4 Burialls.04 11 ..
Octobr 13th Reced of mr Robt Jefferys< no role >
½ a yeares Rent one to ye 29th of Septembr 6 last.18 00 -
20th Reced of the wido Wilford for me yates Rent due ye 29th of Septembr last.10 00 00
30th Reced on accot of new Aalford Breife.06 08 -
30th Reced of mr Benjn: Pattman< no role >
for one Yeares Rent due at Michal last.06 00 00
Decemr 16 Reced of mr Jacob Parker< no role >
in part for Rent.03 00 -
16 Reced on Accot for a Breife for Thirsk.01 00 06
17 Reced of mr Jno Bridges A Fine for Scavengr: Constable & Inquestman.10 00 00
17 Reced of mr Tho. Breine for the same .10 00 -
17 Reced of mr Belgrave for the same.10 00 -
17 Reced of mr Charles Mitchell< no role >
for the same.10 00 00
17 Reced of mr Jno Denson a fine for Inquertman & Constable.08 00 -
17 Reced of mr Wm Fung< no role >
for the same.08 00 -
18th Reced of mr James Jacobs< no role >
a Hyne for all parish offices.12 00 -
Reced of him against Left by his another for the poore.10 00 -
January 4th Reced of mr miles whilkin for 9 Burialls.06 02 08
8th Reced of the Collector for the poore.20 00 00
10 Reced for mr Dehoats being buryed in Linnen.02 10 -
15 Reced of the Armour Compa ye yearly guift of mr Roger Tinder< no role >
[..] .02 12 -
26 Reced from house to house for ye poore in & abt ye Citty by Virtue of ye Kings Ler..08 09 -
28th Reced that was Collected at ye Church doore on Oswestry Breefe.00 12 -
Febry 23 Reced from my Lord< no role >
Mayor on agt a Psons swaring in the Pish.00 12 -
March 5 Reced of mr Parker ye Remaind of ½ a yeares Rent due at mr has Last.01 08 00
9 Reced mr Symon Hoets gift to ye poore.10 00 -
10 Reced of mr George Palmer< no role >
the guift of ye Wido Deam.00 03 04
14 Reced of the Collectors for ye poore.20 00 -
25 Reced of mr Danl Owen< no role >
Jos: Rothwell< no role >
wt was in their hands of ye Scavige money.00 14 -
26 Reced of madam Letton ye Guift of Sr Robert Clarke< no role >
.02 00 -
April 2d 1692 Reced of mr John Perk his Fyne for Churchwarden.10 00 -
5 Reced of Malidrack Dinham for 1 yeares Rent due the 25th March last.05 00 -
14 Reced of Sr Robt Jeffreys< no role >
for ½ a yeares Rent due the 25th of March last18 00 -
15 Reced of mr Hins the yearely Guift of ye Lady Osbourne.01 06 08
21 Reced of ye Collector for ye poore.14 02 04
26 Reced of mr Wm Phillips< no role >
for one Yeares poors money.00 17 09
26 Reced of mr
Pndor for ye Same.00 08 -
26 Reced of mr Miles wilkin for 11 Burrialls.05 02 08
26 Reced of mr King owne poore money for one yeare.00 17 08
£327 18 00
Reced for Sur [..] money more their paid.01 10 08
shall Richard< no role >
329 08 00
Reced due to mr King [..]