The Accompt Mr. Thomas Powells Accots. Churchwarden of St Dion [..]
Backchurch London
for and concerning the Receipts and paymts. by reason of the sd. Office by the sd. Thomas
Powell from the Feast of Easter 1694
being the time he was chosen thereunto untill the Feast of the
Easter 1695
in the seventh Yeare of the raigne of our Soveraigne Lord William the third Etc
Receipts as followeth.
May 24th. Reced of Mr. Jarmin for the poore01 00 00
Reced for a Calves head09 02 00
June 5thReced of
Mr Layfeilds< no role >
00 00 00
Reced of Mr. Gibson arreares of the poore Lotts00 04 04
July 13th.Reced Pr aBreife for the French Protestants12 16 00
Reced of the Carpenters Company seven Shillings & Six pence gave Mr Whiskin Six pence00 01 00
August 8th.Reced of Mr
Richd Bayly< no role >
& Mr Winstanly Collectors:40 00 00
Otobr.3d.Reced of
Mr Whiskin< no role >
for Twelve burialls13 13 06
Reced P Hedden Breife01 00 00
Octobrs.13Reced of Mrs Parker halfe a yeare due Lady day last04 00 00
Reced of the Collectors. for the poore16 00 00
Novemb 9th. Reced P Church ill Breife00 15 06
Decembr.14th Reced of Sr. Robert Jeffry halfe a yeares due Michaelmas laft & Fourteene pounds & Eight Shillings & Three pounds
& twelve Shillings taxes in all Eighteene pounds
14 08 00
Reced of Mr Langly Mr Dyamond Mr Robinson Mr. South Mr Gouldney Mr Cotes Mr. Selby Mr. Marsh being Fines
for Ward Officer at ten Shillings P Man is} 80 00 00
21 Reced of the Armerers Company Mr Tyndalls Guift02 12 00
Janry 4th. Reced of Mr Whiskin Eleaven burialls06 19 00
5. Reced P Collection for ye. Out Parishes12 04 06
Reced of the Collectors for the Poore26 00 00
March 5th. Reced P Warwick Breife19 10 00
16 Reced of Edward Willson< no role >
Ten Pounds Taxes Forty three two Shillings and Six pence money Seaven pound
Seaventeene Shillings & Six pence for a Yeares rent due Michaellmas last} 07 17 06
21Reced of Mr Marriner over plus of Scavingr. money02 13 00
22Reced of Mr Benjamine Pattrman Six Pounds Taxes One pound Five Shillings money foure pounds
Fifteene Shillings for a yeare due Michaelmas last} 04 15 00
Reced of Mr Letton Sr. Robert Clarkes Guift02 00 00
March 28th Reced of Ye Ironmongrs. Company P Mr. Kempton00 03 04
Aprill 1st. Reced of Mr Whilkin ten burialls07 05 00
Reced of the Collectors. aforemenconed 22 12 00
Reced of Mr Parker halfe a Yeare due Michaelmas last04 00 00
3d.Reced of Mr Denham a Yeare due Lady day last past Five pounds allowed Taxes
one pounds} 04 00 00
8Reced of Sr Robt. Jeffry Eighteene pounds for halfe a yeare due Lady day last past Thirty
Six Shillings allowed 4th. quarter Land Tax 49} 16 04 00