The Accot. of Mr Daniell Rawlinsons Accot< no role >
of St. Dions Backchurch
for & concerning the
Receipts & paymts. by reason of the said Office by the
said Daniell Rawlinson< no role >
from the Feast of Easter 1693
being the time he was chosen there unto untill the Feast
of Easter 1694 in the Fifth yeare of the Raigne of &
Soveraigne Lord and Lady King William & Queene Mary &
Receipts as followeth
£ s d
May 14th. Recd upon Accot. of Ledbery Breife00 17 04
By Money Reced upon Bond at 6th. p Cent50 00 00
June 18th. Reced upon Accot. of Elseworth Breife00 15 00
July 20th Reced of Mr.
Edward Gibson< no role >
& Mr.
Matthew Moody< no role >
for the Poore 4040 00 00
August. 3 Reced of Mr.
Jacob Parber< no role >
£4. for halfe a yeares Rent at Rumford due at Lady day last04 00 00
17 Reced of the pewterers Compa. att Collection in the Church 11s.6d gave
to Whisben
5s. to Martin 2s-6d. & the rest to Sevall Pentionrs. & other Poore people at
the Doore}
August 24 Reced of Mr
Edwd Gibson< no role >
& Mr
Matt Moody< no role >
Collectors. for ye Poore £1212 00 00
Oct 3 Reced upon Accot of Chagford Breife 15s.7d00 15 04
Reced of Mr.
Miles Whisben< no role >
for ten Cerialls £9.10s09 10 00
Novemr 29 Reced of Sr.
Robt Jeffryes< no role >
£12.12s & allowed for Taxes £5-8s in all
£18 in full for half a Yeares Rent due at Michmas last
12 12 00
Decembr. 11 Reced of Sr. Robt Jeffryes< no role >
for the use of the Poore 5s00 05 00
18 Reced of Mr. Robt Berdeseye £10. being a Fine for three Ward Officers
vizt Scaning E. Constable & Inquestman} 10 00 00
Reced of Mr William Holstead< no role >
Ditto10 00 00
Reced of Mr Humphry Midleton Ditto10 00 00
Reced of Mr Samuel Debnam Ditto10 00 00
Reced of Mr Wm Ingram< no role >
Ditto10 00 00
Reced of Mr James Aberman £8. bee a Fine for two Ward Officer Vizt Constable
& Inquestman} 08 00 00
Reced of Mr. James Mariner
Ditto £808 00 00
Janry. 3 Reced & Collected for the Poore of the Out Parishes £21 18s 21 18 00
Decem:18 Reced of Mr Dan: Quarterman £6. being a Fine for Constable06 00 00
19 Reced of Mr Rich: Harney< no role >
£2 being a Fine for Inquestman02 00 00
Jan 5th. Reced of Mr Whilskin for 9 Burialls06 14 00
Reced of Mr Benjamin Patman< no role >
£4 16s in Money & allowed for fourer
Quarters Taxes 24s for a years Rent due at Michmas last}04 16 00
Feb 8 Reced of Mr Gibson & Mr Matt Moody< no role >
Collectors. for the Poore £4040 00 00
Reced upon Acco of Woollers Breife00 11 [..]
Reced of Mr. William Willford< no role >
£8 in Money & allowed for Taxes £2. in all £10
in full for a yeares Renteme at Muh}08 00 00
March 27 Reced of Mr Rich: Letton< no role >
the Guift of Mr. Robt Clarke< no role >
for one Yeare £202 00 00
30 Reced of Mr Whisken for Burially £5 16s05 16 00
Apr 4 Reced of the Carpenters Compa. which was in the Poores Box00 08 00
5 Reced of Mr Jacob Parker< no role >
£4 for halfe a Yeares Rent att Rumford due
at Mich:} 04 00 00
5 Reced of Mr Kington the Beadle upon Accot of the Ironmongrs
Campa 3s.4d Mr Demes Gift} 00 03 00