1691 An Accot. of what money is paid for
ye Vse of ye Parish as followeth (viz)
£ s d
May 4th Paid for a Samons before Doc Oxenden< no role >
.00 01 -
4 Spent at ye myter the day an Hind was Sworne.00 07 11
11 Paid for a Bond and Spent at ye Signeing of it.00 05 06
11 Paid for two Sumonds for want of the Streets pareing.00 02 -
13th Pd mr Palmer for ye warrt for assessing ye poors rate.00 03 06
18 Spent in Collecting Timmouth Breife.00 00 10
25 Paid mr Danl Rowlinson< no role >
as P Reced for Assent Days charge.17 07 -
26 Spent at the giveing the Bond to the Pish.00 02 07
June 3 Pd mr Jno Green the paviour in full.02 05 -
9 Paid mr Wm Ingram< no role >
for 9 Hoss of Poynts.01 02 6
11 paid Goody Wagstaff for quor Pention due the 9th Instant.02 00 -
11 Spent at assissing the poors Rate.00 05 -
12 Spent of ye workemen that [..] the Church gutters.00 00 07
20 Pd Nurs Faire Cloath Squar Nursing Cloathing & of 7 Children.13 00 -
25 Pd mr Andrew Phillipps< no role >
for Sticks for ye Boys asssition Day.00 07 06
25 Paid Nurs Nasbey< no role >
for 1 quar Nursing of Jno Coppin< no role >
.01 17 06
25 Paid Nurse Beard for 1 quar Nursing two Children.03 10 08
29 Paid wido Harris 1s quar pention due 24th Inst.01 03 -
7 July-4th Paid Nurs Hipesley for 1 quar Nursing Anne Hamond.01 13 -
1 Paid Nurs Hipesley< no role >
for 1 quar Nursing Wm Hammond.01 15 04
13 Paid Goody Kendell< no role >
1 quars pension01 12 06
13 Paid Goody Johnson for 3 weeks pention at 2s.6d to weekes 3s.6d P weeke.02 02 06
13 Paid Goody Smith for 1 quars Pention.01 02 06
13 Paid Goodman Court for 1 qurs pention.00 13 -
18 Paid for wood for a Bonfire & Ringing for a Victory Ireland.00 13 -
20 Paid mr Palmer for gitting ye poores Rate Signed.00 02 06
28 Pd for Ringing on Ant of Takeing Galloway.00 10 -
Augst 12 Paid for carrying Gravill out of Lymestrete into the Churchyard.00 01 06
No 924 Spent after A Vestry for theoseing a Churchwarden.00 18 06
No 10 Sptembr 6 Spent on the Collectors for the poore.01 03 -
No 117 Paid mr Deputy Wood for 14 Yeares Instrest for £100.07 10 -
No 127 Paid mr Newberry & Goodladd due from ye parish in 1690.00 09 00
19 Given a poore Pishor by ye Consent of mr Reynolds.00 05 -
26 Spent in goeing to Warr at Hatfeild with Horshire.04 01 -
No 1330 Paid Nurs Faire Cloath for Nursing 7 Children due 29th Inst.13 00 -
No 14 Octr 2 Paid Nurs Naseby for 1 quar Nursing Jno Coppin.01 17 06
No 152 Paid Nurs Marshall for 1 quar Anne Hamond< no role >
.01 13 -
No 162 Paid Nurs Hipsely for 1 quar Nursing Evan Hamond.01 15 09
No 173 Paid Nurs Deard for 1 quar Nursing of two Children.03 10 06
3 Paid Goody Johnson for 1 quar pention due ye 29th of Septembr last.02 05 06
5 Paid Wido Harris for 1 quar pention due ye 29th of Sepr.01 03 -
5 Paid Goodman Court 1 quar pention due ye 29 Sepr.00 13 -
5 Paid Goody Kendell< no role >
1 quar pention due ye 29 Sepr.01 12 06
6 Paid wido Smith 1 quar pention due ye 29 [..] .01 12 06
6 Paid wido wagstaff for 16 weeks pention inding ye 29th Septembr.03 04 -
13 Allowed Sr Robt Jefferys< no role >
for 2 quar Tax.03 12 -
13 Paid Ringers & for Asfire for Surrendr of Limerick
.00 13 06
14 Spent at ye Myter
on Pish business Psent Sr Robt Jeffryes< no role >
in wood mr Jarrett mr Diath mr Smith.00 17 06
18 Paid the Ringers on acct of ye Kings Returne from Flomdrs.00 10 -
Novembr-2 Spent at mrs Parrs & given her for Fire at a meeting apointis by Sr Robt Jeffreys< no role >
Psent mr Reynolds mr Higgins & mr. Stamard}.00 10 -
4 Paid the Ringers being ye Kings Birth day.00 10 -
5 Paid the Ringers.00 10 -
10 Given mr Parr on acct of Sending her Daughtr to [..] Service.01 00 -
Allowed ye wido wilford for takes xpt of a Slodr.01 02 3
Paid out of ye money that was Collected of ye Arms & Company & mr Standards.00 13 3
£111 10 9