Bridewell Royal Hospital:
Minutes of the Court of Governors

26th December 1722 - 15th December 1737

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Currently Held: Bethlem Royal Hospital Archives

LL ref: BBBRMG202050359

Image 359 of 4918th August 1734

Bethlem }

London Ss.At a Court holden at the said Hospital of
Bridewell on Thursday the 8th. day of August 1734 being Election day

Humphry Parsons< no role > Esqr Aldn President
Robert Alsop< no role > Esqr .Aldn .Treasurer

Mr. Robert Evans< no role > Mr Robert Fotherby< no role > Mr. Henry Godwin< no role >
Mr. James Bartlett< no role > Mr. John Cooke< no role > Mr. Wm. Cooper< no role >
Capt. Benja. Hodges< no role > Mr. Nevil Lemon< no role > Mr. Wm. Myers< no role >
Mr. Gilbert Malcher< no role > Mr. Thomas Nash< no role > Mr. Depty. Pott
Mr. James Philips< no role > Mr. Wm. Russell< no role > Mr. Allen Webb< no role >
Phineas Cheek< no role > Esqr Dr. Richard Rawlinson< no role > Mr. Edward Holloway< no role >
Mr. Wm. Brent< no role > Mr. Depty. FarringtonMr. Edward Whitehouse< no role >
Mr. John Markham< no role > Mr. Depty. BallardMr. Wm. Woolball< no role >
Mr. Edward Baily< no role > Mr. Walter Barnard< no role > Mr. Chrisr. Oliver< no role >
Mr. Bezal. Brownsmith< no role > Mr. Wm. Poole< no role > Mr. Henry Marshall< no role >
Mr. Edward Dodd< no role > Mr Dep. WileyMr. Robert Bishop< no role >
Mr. John Pycroft< no role > Mr. Robert Hall< no role > Mr. Richard Bridgman< no role >
Dr. Middleton Massey< no role > Dr. George Wharton< no role > Dr. Pierce Dodd< no role >
Mr. Depty. BridgeMr. Thos. Cox< no role > Mr. Thos. Ryley< no role >

This Court being Chiefly call'd for the Election of a President Treasurer &
Comittees & for the Confirmation of the Governors and Officers of the said
Hospital proceeded to an Election accordingly. And

The Right Worshipfull Humphry Parsons< no role > Esqr . Aldn .the
present President being nominated to be Chosen President of these Hospitals
for the year ensuing It plainly appeared that the said Humphry Parsons< no role > is by all
the Governors here present unanimously elected President of these Hospitalls for
the year Ensuing.

The Right Worshipfull Robert Alsop< no role > Esqr . Aldn . the present
Treasurer being Nominated to be chosen Treasurer of these Hospitalls for the
year Ensuing It plainly appeared that the said Robert Alsop< no role > is unanimously
Elected Treasurer of these Hospitalls for the year Ensuing.

The Right Worshipfull Richard Levell< no role > Esqr . Aldn .the present Auditor
General being Nominated to be Chosen Auditor of these Hospitals for the year
Ensuing It plainly appeard that the said Richard Levett< no role > is unanimously Elected
Auditor of these Hospitals for the year Ensuing.

The Governours hereafter named are Elected Auditors of the Accounts of
these Hospitals Vizt.

Mr. Robert Fotherby< no role > Mr. Tho. Nash< no role >
Mr. Nevil Lemon< no role > Mr. Depty Hodges
Mr. James Bartlett< no role > Mr. Wm. Brent< no role >
Mr. Depty. Ballard
Mr. Robert Bishop< no role >

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