Wednesday 29th: Janry: 1734
WrightCatherine< no role >
By Sr.
Richard Brocas< no role >
being Charged by the Oath
William Howard< no role >
Overseer of the poor
of the Precinct of White Fryers
for Raising a Great Riot and a disturbance in their Workhouse
and being a loose
idle and a disorderly done ken Woman.
without fees dd
DykesHannah< no role >
By Sr.
Richard Brocas< no role >
being Charged by the Oath of
William Kentrey< no role >
a Watchman
of Saint Brides
London for being found Sunday
Morning in Fleet Street
picking up a Strange Gentleman and being a loose idle
disorderly Common Woman & having no Visible Way of living
LeeMary< no role >
By Sr
William Billers< no role >
being Charged by the Oath of
Elizabeth Harpor< no role >
for being a loose idle disorderly Person and Imbezelling her said
Mistress's money.
Cont to Labor
JohnsonAnne< no role >
By Sr
Richard Brocas< no role >
being Charged by the Oath of
Sarah Toothacre< no role >
for Pilfering from out of her Brothers house a Sauce Pan of Same
Value and being a disorderly idle Person.
Cont to Labor
WoodeyJane< no role >
By Sr
Richard Brocas< no role >
being Charged by the Oath
John King< no role >
for Pillferring from his house some old Books of Small Value, and
being a loose idle and a disorderly Person.
Harrison Richd< no role >
. mentioned
at ye Hemp Blocks}
Richard Harrison< no role >
Benjamin Thatcher< no role >
one of the Artsmasters
of this
Hospital was brought before this Court from the Hempblocks where he was Committed by
the Comee of the 24 January last for going out on Sunday last without his Masters lease
(as he does frequently) and not returning till Seven o' Clock after which a great Stone was
thrown into the house thro' the Glass Window Harrison said he was at his Grandmothers that
Afternoon and knew nothing of the Stone being Thrown But his said Master acquainted
this Court that he went to his Grandmother who said She had not seen him for some time
It is Ordered that the said Harrison be continued at the Hempblocks till further Order.
VaughanJames< no role >
Ordered into ye Hospital
This Court took into Consideration the objection made at the last Court against
the Admitting
James Vaughan< no role >
lately elected an Artsmaster
And on reading a Letter to Mr.
Henshaw one of the Governors of these Hospitals from
William Ledyard< no role >
to the
Apprentice said to have been misused by the said Vaughan and several of the Governors
Speaking in the behalf of the said
James Vaughan< no role >
It is Ordered that he be
admitted into this Hospital.
Fees of admitting a Patient into
Ordered that it be referred to the Grand Comee of Bethlem Hospital to consider the
Fees and Charges taken on the Admission of a Patient into that Hospital and to Report
their Opinion to the Court.
Apprentices made free}
At this Court the Person. hereunder named was Ordered to be made free
this City having served his Apprenticeship
in this Hospital to the Artsmaster
hereunder mentioned Vizt.
CarnollEdward< no role >
to John Burnham< no role >
By Indre dat
BlackMary< no role >
Lease of two
Houses in Bridewell Precinct
Upon reading a Report from the Comittee of this House dated 3d. July last under the hands of
Mr. Trear. Mr. Deputy Davis Mr. Bartlet Mr. Webb & Mr. Cook as follows Vizt.
Mary Alcock< no role >
Bridewell Precinct
proposed to take a Lease for 21 years from Michas next of two Houses
(No. 18 & 19) on the West side of Water street
in Bridewell Precinct
at £12. P ann clear of Taxes
and to pay a Fine of £35. and also to pay to the Chappel Wardens any Sums not exceeding
Forty Shillings Yearly towards the Charge of the Scavenger Watch and Poor of the said Precinct
This Comee are of Opinion to accept the said proposal Upon which she gave a Guinea to the Poor
boxAll which is submitted to the Judgment of the Court And it is Ordered this Opinion be
reported to the next CourtThis Court having duly weighed and considered the said Report
doth confirm the same And Order a Lease be made accordingly.